WordPress顶部工具条(admin bar)如何去除,其实wordpress本意是为了方便站长快速的从前台进入后台来管理网站,但是这个由于它默认是对所有用户都显示的,所以看着也挺郁闷烦心的,那么那么怎么来去除这个烦人的工具条呢?灰牛通过搜索总结方法如下:How to remove the admin bar at the top of wordpress? In fact, wordpress is intended to facilitate the webmaster to quickly enter the background from the front desk to manage the website, but this is because it is displayed by default to all users, so it is very depressing and annoying to look at , Then how to remove this annoying toolbar? Grey Bull summarizes the method by searching as follows: 1. Disable the toolbar completely: 1-1 completely remove the wordpress toolbar (code 1)
show_admin_bar(false);1-2 completely remove the wordpress toolbar (code two)
add_filter('show_admin_bar','__return_false');2. Display toolbar only for specific users 2-1 Display only for administratorsif (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {add_filter('show_admin_bar','__return_false'); }[/ri-alerts]2-2 Only for administrators and editors if(!current_user_can('edit_posts')) {add_filter('show_admin_bar','__return_false'); } 3. Move the toolbar from the top to the footer functionfb_move_admin_bar() {echo'< style type="text/css">body {margin-top: -28px;padding-bottom: 28px;}body.admin-bar #wphead {padding-top: 0;}body.admin-bar #footer {padding- bottom: 28px;}#wpadminbar {top: auto !important;bottom: 0;}#wpadminbar .quicklinks .menupop ul {bottom: 28px;}</style>';}// If you want the toolbar to be displayed in the background At the top, please delete this line of code add_action('admin_head','fb_move_admin_bar');//If you want the toolbar to be displayed at the top of the front desk, please delete this line of code add_action('wp_head','fb_move_admin_bar'); finally explain The reason why Gray Bull removed the administrator login toolbar is mainly because it is not very useful and occupies space to affect the appearance! Just put one of the above code options into the functions.php file of your theme, and you can easily solve this problem like a gray cow!





functionfb_move_admin_bar() {


<style type="text/css">

body {

margin-top: -28px;

padding-bottom: 28px;


body.admin-bar #wphead {

padding-top: 0;


body.admin-bar #footer {

padding-bottom: 28px;


#wpadminbar {

top: auto !important;

bottom: 0;


#wpadminbar .quicklinks .menupop ul {

bottom: 28px;




// 如果你想让工具条显示在后台顶部,请删除这行代码

add_action( 'admin_head', 'fb_move_admin_bar');


add_action( 'wp_head', 'fb_move_admin_bar');


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