出现下面错误提示  一般是指 输入的手机号不合规矩 或者是互联网号 非真实手机号  可以尝试换一个

phone_number must be a valid phone number according to E.164 international standard.

至于为什么 phone_number must be a valid phone number according to E.164 international standard. 出现这个提示是为什么? 这个提示是因为您输入的电话号码不符合E.164国际标准。E.164是一种电话号码的国际标准,它包括国家代码、区号和本地号码。为了避免这个提示,请确保您输入的电话号码遵循E.164格式。例如,美国的电话号码格式为:+1 (区号) 本地号码。

E. 164 numbers can have a maximum of fifteen digits and are usually written as follows: [+][country code][subscriber number including area code] . An example of a US number in the E. 164 format is +16175551212.

What is E.164?

E.164 is the international telephone numbering plan that ensures each device on the PSTN has globally unique number.

This number allows phone calls and text messages can be correctly routed to individual phones in different countries. E.164 numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] and can have a maximum of fifteen digits.
