Upgrade instructions: Added the connection method and detailed connection instructions with the third-party system. Added the file upload plug-in to optimize the extension plug-in. If the format is not rewritten, it will cause js errors to report. cache), history (from the history pulled by the server)
Optimize the kefu.ubb method, if the message body is empty, it will return an empty string. Avoid the problem of abnormal optimization caused here when extending the plugin. When the plugin does not exist, loading the plugin information that does not exist will cause the initialization of kefu.js to fail. Optimization When I send a message to others, if the message I send exceeds two lines, it will be on the left display instead of to the right.
Optimize the background of the agent. If the height of the list information on the left is too large, it will be opened. Introduction to H5 online customer service, introduce a line of js code and use it immediately! Support mobile phone, computer, APP, applet. You can deploy your own private SAAS cloud customer service platform with one click. Similar to Baidu Business Bridge, you can open multiple customer service agent platforms, and each customer service agent platform is completely independent.
The function supports mobile terminal and computer terminal.
Chat records are persisted using ELK. Support huge chat records Support offline messages without delay. Automatically receive offline messages after going online During chat, swipe up to load the chat history without feeling. When the user opens the chat window, a welcome message and FAQ will be automatically sent to the user. The text allows users to automatically match and automatically reply to the entered common questions.
Local message storage, the local cache of the latest news, the ultimate smoothness supports picture uploading, sending pictures, and picture enlargement.
Support emoji new message reminder. When I am chatting with user A, user B sends me a message, and the top displays real-time new message reminders from other users. Supports custom plugins, such as sending orders, more custom emoticons, sending products, sending locations, files , business cards, gifts... can all be extended with plug-ins.
Support custom heartbeat and heartbeat package extension Support automatic reconnection after disconnection Reply (When the user sends a message to the customer service, but the customer service is not online, the customer service automatically replies to the user's text).
FAQ database Each customer service platform can set up its own FAQ database (that is, ask, answer), how many FAQs can be set here, and when the user initiates a chat with himself, the FAQ list will be automatically sent to User, the user clicks on a question, and the system automatically replies to the user with an answer.
Customer Service JS Customer service can generate JS call paths, which are very convenient for third-party platforms to call. For example, by introducing this js file into the website, the website can quickly have customer service functions! At the same time, the customer service can also set the customer service entrance displayed in the third-party platform, such as the background color, text and picture color of the customer service entrance.
Online agent customer service click on the online agent page if you have nothing to do. When a user asks a question, if you are on this page, the user's question will be displayed in real time, and the customer service can communicate with the user in real time.
For quick experience, you can enter the website of our customer service project to quickly test the experience: www.kefu.zvo.cn Package structure com.xnx3.kefu.core Customer service core implementation com.xnx3.kefu.admin Customer service management background, each customer service has One manages the background by oneself (customer service is divided into multiple seats)
com.xnx3.kefu.superadmin Super management background com.xnx3.yunkefu.inset Third-party system access to cloud customer service, allowing third-party systems to quickly have customer service functions Server installation and deployment documentation https://gitee.com/leimingyun/dashboard/wikis /leimingyun/install/preview?sort_id=3940906&doc_id=1381432Connect with the third-party system to open the document interface, so that your own system can quickly have the function of online customer service.
https://gitee.com/leimingyun/dashboard/wikis/leimingyun/third-party-system/preview?doc_id=1357285&sort_id=3897564 Front-end kefu.js Free custom chat window https://gitee.com/mail_osc/kefu.js Other authors: Guan Leiming WeChat: xnx3com Product official website: www.kefu.zvo.cn Company official website: www.leimingyun.comQQ exchange group: 763362335升级说明:


优化扩展插件中,如果 format 未重写会导致js报错的问题

完善消息体规则,消息体增加 from 字段,包含 cache(来源于缓存)、hostory(来源于服务器拉取的历史记录)

优化 kefu.ubb 方法,如果消息体为空,则返回空字符串。避免扩展插件时此处导致异常







  1. 支持手机端、电脑端。
  2. 聊天记录使用ELK持久化保存。支撑巨量聊天记录无延迟
  3. 支持离线消息。上线后自动接收离线消息
  4. 聊天中,上滑可无感加载历史聊天记录
  5. 用户打开聊天窗口时自动给用户发送欢迎语、常见问题
  6. 当用户发送消息,但客服不在线时,会自动发送设置好的一段文字给用户
  7. 对已录入的常见问题进行自动匹配、自动回复。
  8. 本地消息存储,最新消息的本地缓存,极致流畅度
  9. 支持图片上传、发送图片、图片放大。
  10. 支持表情
  11. 新消息提醒。当我跟A用户正在聊天,B用户给我发来消息,顶部实时显示别的用户发来的新消息提醒
  12. 支持自定义插件,如发送订单、更多自定义表情、发送商品、发送位置、文件、名片、礼物……都可以用插件方式扩展。
  13. 支持自定义心跳及心跳包扩展
  14. 支持断线自动重连












com.xnx3.kefu.core 客服核心实现
com.xnx3.kefu.admin 客服管理后台,每个客服都有一个自己管理后台(客服分多个坐席)
com.xnx3.kefu.superadmin 超级管理后台
com.xnx3.yunkefu.inset 第三方系统接入云客服,让第三方系统快速拥有客服功能





前端 kefu.js 自由定制聊天窗口



