4 月 10 日消息,B站哔哩哔哩官方宣布,经典游戏改编电影《生化危机》全系 6 部已上线,需单独付费购买“限时观看权”,普通用户售价 3B 币(3 元),大会员半价 1.5B 币(1.5 元),购买后可在 48 小时内观看。

《生化危机》系列电影改编自卡普空的同名经典游戏系列,共有《生化危机》《生化危机 2:启示录》《生化危机 3:灭绝》《生化危机 4:战神再生》《生化危机 5:惩罚》《生化危机:终章》6 部,米拉・乔沃维奇担纲女主。

生化危机 Resident Evil (2002)

导演: 保罗·安德森
编剧: 保罗·安德森
主演: 米拉·乔沃维奇 / 米歇尔·罗德里格兹 / 科林·萨蒙 / 埃里克·马比斯 / 詹姆斯·鲍弗
类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 英国 / 德国 / 法国 / 美国 / 加拿大
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2002-03-15(美国)
片长: 100 分钟
又名: 2002恶灵古堡 / 生化危机之变种生还者(港) / 恶灵古堡(台)
IMDb: tt0120804

生化危机的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
为军方研究生化武器的安布雷拉公司在浣熊市地下设有巨大的研究中心——蜂巢,由于一次意外事故导致可通过空气传播的生化武器泄露,负责蜂巢安保的电脑系统“红色女王”启动应急措施,却导致数百名工作人员罹难……四小时后,蜂巢安保人员爱丽丝(米拉·乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)在蜂巢出口醒来,并且因为催眠气体而失忆。一支受命关闭红色女王的特种小队来到此处,与爱丽丝、自称警察的安德森,以及蜂巢工作人员帕克斯组队深入地下。一行人因任务目标与红色女王冲突而先后遭遇保卫系统和丧尸的连番袭击,而爱丽丝渐渐恢复的记忆揭示了她与同行者非同一般的联系。这场生化丧尸危机该如何解除?又或者根本是一曲绝望的前奏?

与游戏背景类似,《生化危机》系列电影围绕伞公司、病毒、丧尸等展开剧情,上映时间从 2002 年到 2016 年,同样也成为了经典的丧尸题材作品。

德国康斯坦丁影业在 2021 年还推出了一部全新重启的《新生化危机》,演员大换血,不过口碑却迎来惨败,B站没有上线这一部。



另外在今年7月会有一部生化危机的美剧 生化危机 Resident Evil (2022)  待评分出来 可以看看


导演: 布朗温·休斯
编剧: 约翰内斯·罗伯茨 / 安德鲁·达博
主演: 埃拉·巴林斯卡 / 兰斯·莱迪克 / 图尔洛夫·科维里 / Tetiana Gaidar / Connor Gosatti / 更多...
类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2022-07-14(美国)
集数: 8
单集片长: 60分钟
IMDb: tt9660182

生化危机的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Netflix正式确认将拍摄《生化危机》电视剧(采用“Resident Evil”这个名字)。一共8集,每集大约60分钟。故事将分为两条时间线讲述一个全新的故事:14岁的姐妹杰德•威斯克和比莉•威斯克搬到了新的浣熊市,随着她们在小镇的时间越长,她们越发察觉到小镇平静之下的暗流涌动,而且她们的父亲可能隐藏着足以毁灭世界的秘密;第二条时间线则讲述十多年后的地球只剩下不到1500万的人类,而感染了T病毒的丧尸数量高达60亿。已经30岁的杰德在这个世界中挣扎求生,而过去的秘密仍然困扰着她。


再推一个豆列 2022年超级期待的英美剧

On April 10th, Bilibili officially announced that all 6 series of the classic game adaptation movie "Resident Evil" have been launched. You need to pay for the "limited viewing rights" separately. The price for ordinary users is 3B coins (3 yuan) , 1.5B coins (1.5 yuan) at half price for major members, and can be viewed within 48 hours after purchase.

The "Resident Evil" series of films are adapted from Capcom's classic game series of the same name, including "Resident Evil", "Resident Evil 2: Revelation", "Resident Evil 3: Extinction", "Resident Evil 4: God of War Rebirth", "Resident Evil 5:" Punishment" and "Resident Evil: Final Chapter" 6, Milla Jovovich as the heroine.

Resident Evil Resident Evil (2002)

Director: Paul Anderson
Screenwriter: Paul Anderson
Starring: Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Colin Salmon, Eric Mabis, James Purefoy
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Horror
Country/Region of Manufacture: UK / Germany / France / USA / Canada
language: English
Release date: 2002-03-15 (US)
Length: 100 minutes
Also known as: 2002 Evil Castle / Resident Evil Mutant Survivor (Hong Kong) / Evil Castle (Taiwan)
IMDb: tt0120804

Synopsis of Resident Evil · · · · ·
The Umbrella Company, which studies chemical weapons for the military, has a huge research center in the underground of Raccoon City, the hive. Due to an accident, the air-borne biological and chemical weapons were leaked, and the computer system responsible for the hive security "Red Queen" was activated. The emergency measures resulted in the deaths of hundreds of staff... Four hours later, the hive security guard Alice (Milla Jovovich) woke up at the hive exit and lost her memory due to hypnotic gas. A special team tasked with shutting down the Red Queen arrives here, teaming up with Alice, Anderson, a self-proclaimed policeman, and Hive worker Parks to go underground. Due to the conflict between the mission goal and the Red Queen, the group encountered successive attacks by the defense system and zombies, and Alice's gradually restored memory revealed her extraordinary connection with her companions. How to solve this biochemical zombie crisis? Or is it a prelude to despair at all?
The film is the first in a series based on the well-known video game "Resident Evil"

Similar to the background of the game, the "Resident Evil" series of movies revolves around the umbrella company, viruses, zombies, etc., and the release time was from 2002 to 2016, and it has also become a classic zombie-themed work.

Germany's Konstantin Pictures also launched a new reboot of "Neo-Evil" in 2021. The actors changed blood, but the word of mouth ushered in a fiasco. Station B did not launch this film.

Resident Evil Douban full information



In addition, in July this year, there will be a Resident Evil American drama Resident Evil Resident Evil (2022) to be scored, you can watch it


Director: Bronwyn Hughes
Writers: Johannes Roberts, Andrew Dubbo
Starring: Ella Balinska / Lance Reddick / Turlov Koveri / Tetiana Gaidar / Connor Gosatti / more...
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Horror
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
language: English
Premiere: 2022-07-14 (US)
Episodes: 8
Single episode length: 60 minutes
IMDb: tt9660182

Synopsis of Resident Evil · · · · ·
Netflix has officially confirmed that it will be filming the Resident Evil TV series (under the name "Resident Evil"). There are 8 episodes in total, each about 60 minutes. The story will be split into two timelines to tell a whole new story: 14-year-old sisters Jed Wesker and Billie Wesker move to the new Raccoon City, becoming more aware of them the longer they are in town The undercurrent is surging under the calm of the small town, and their father may hide a secret that can destroy the world; the second timeline tells the story of less than 15 million human beings left on the earth more than ten years later, and infected The number of zombies in the T virus is as high as 6 billion. At 30, Jed struggles to survive in a world where secrets from her past still haunt her.
The first two episodes of the series will be written and directed by Andrew Dubbo ("Supernatural") and directed by Bronwyn Hughes ("The Walking Dead").


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