

感觉和巨石强森主演的《丛林奇航》有着异曲同工之妙!网友热评 玩过1-4的老粉表示,虽然是改编电影,但我看的老开心了。荷兰弟情绪有时候尴尬,寻宝过程有时候挺蠢,但是感觉有努力尊重游戏。插科打诨的精髓有抓到,几个名场面有出现。虽然名场面被改编,但是改编的我还挺喜欢,尤其海盗船。Drake踩哪哪塌,去哪毁哪的精髓也还在。还有些粉丝向小福利:比如年少小演员找的还挺像。比如Nathan找到了装枪的背心一穿上,配上游戏音乐,老粉激动的差点站起来。The 4K resource of "Uncharted" starring "Tom Holland" by the little spider has scored 6.3 points on Douban. I haven't watched it yet. I won't comment for the time being. If you want to watch it, you can have a sneak peek and "Jungle Voyage" starring Dwayne Johnson. It has the same effect! Netizens commented that the old fans who have played 1-4 said that although it is an adaptation of the movie, I am always happy to see it. Dutch brother is sometimes embarrassed, and the treasure hunt process is sometimes stupid, but he feels that he has worked hard to respect the game. The essence of the gag has been caught, and several famous scenes have appeared. Although the famous scene has been adapted, I still like the adaptation, especially the pirate ship. The essence of Drake's collapse and destruction is still there. There are also some fans who are looking for Xiaofu: For example, young actors are looking for a similar look. For example, as soon as Nathan found the vest with the gun and put it on, with the game music, the old fan almost stood up in excitement.
Director: Ruben Fleischer Writer: Rafe Judkins/ Art Markum/ Matt Holloway Starring: Tom Holland/ Mark Wahlberg/ Sophia Ali/ Tati Gabriel / Antonio Banderas / More... Genre: Action / Adventure 02-18 (USA)
Duration: 116 minutes AKA: Uncharted Adventures (Hong Kong/Taiwan) / Uncharted: The Treasure of Captain Drake / Uncharted: Drake's FortuneIMDb: tt1464335 Uncharted Plot Synopsis · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Craig (Tom Holland) teamed up with seasoned treasure hunter Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) to find Ferdinand Magellan's lost treasure 500 years ago. What seemed like a simple treasure hunt at first quickly turned into a thrilling, global race. They must find the treasure before the ruthless Moncada (played by Antonio Banderas). Moncada firmly believes that he and his family are the rightful heirs to the treasure. If Nathan and Sullivan can decipher the clues to the world's oldest mystery, they'll be able to find $5 billion worth of treasure, and maybe even Nathan's long-lost brother...but first, they must learn Work together.
Re-evaluate after reading it!
Uncharted Seas: Douban Movie Hundred Names: (Subtitles: Subtitle Library/SUBhd)
Wang Shui Wang Zheng Yun Shui Wu Qian Chen Shui Sun Feng Wang Zheng Wang Shui Chen Zhouzhang Qian Qian Zheng Fu Wu Zhao Li Sun Chen Fu Li Zhang Dou Fu Qian Zhang Chen Fu Zheng Zhou Dou Chen Sun Fu Wu Zhao Sun Zhou Su Dou Chen Feng Sun Qian Yun Shui Feng Qian Wu Yun Feng Yun Qian Dou Zheng Su Zhang Qian Zhengsu Chen Chen Fuyun Dou Qian Wangshui Zheng Chenyun Li Chen Qian Zhang Yunzhang Wang Qian Zhao Qian Wu Zhangshui Wang Shui Zhao Yun Feng Yunshui Sun Dou Zhou Shui Zhao Sun Sun Zhao Shui Zhou Chen Feng Wang Li Feng Wu Dou Fu

导演: 鲁本·弗雷斯彻
编剧: 雷夫·贾金斯 / 阿特·马库姆 / 马特·霍洛维
主演: 汤姆·赫兰德 / 马克·沃尔伯格 / 索菲娅·阿里 / 塔蒂·加布里埃 / 安东尼奥·班德拉斯 / 更多...
类型: 动作 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 西班牙语
上映日期: 2022-03-14(中国大陆) / 2022-02-18(美国)
片长: 116分钟
又名: 秘境探险(港/台) / 神秘海域:德雷克船长的宝藏 / Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
IMDb: tt1464335 神秘海域的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
足智多谋的内森·德雷克(汤姆·赫兰德 饰)和经验丰富的寻宝者维克多·苏利文(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)组成搭档,追寻费迪南·麦哲伦500年前遗失的宝藏。一开始,这似乎只是个简单的寻宝工作,但很快演变成了一场惊险刺激、横跨全球的竞赛。他们必须赶在冷酷无情的蒙卡达(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 饰)之前寻得宝藏。蒙卡达坚信他和他的家族才是宝藏的正当继承人。若内森和苏利文能破译线索,解开这世界上最古老的谜团,他们便能找到价值50亿美元的宝藏,甚至还可能找到内森失踪已久的哥哥……但首先,他们必须学会通力合作。






