对于AMD Zen4锐龙7000系列处理器,尽管已经官宣,但只给到了今年下半年这样一个模糊的时间点。考虑到前几代产品的优异表现、加之Intel 12代酷睿的叫好叫座,显然让外界对AMD的“后手”更为期待。

For the AMD Zen4 Ryzen 7000 series processor, although it has been officially announced, it has only been given such a vague time point in the second half of this year. Considering the excellent performance of previous generations of products, coupled with the popularity of Intel's 12th-generation Core, it is obvious that the outside world is looking forward to AMD's "back-up".

The whistleblower Greymon55 recently revealed that the AMD Ryzen 7000 processor will be put into mass production at the end of this month.

Referring to the rhythm of the previous Zen3, it will be officially launched 4 to 5 months after mass production. It is speculated that the Ryzen 7000 is expected to be released at the end of August at the earliest.

It is reported that the Zen4 Ryzen 7000, codenamed Raphael (Raphael), is an orthodox iteration of the Zen3 Ryzen 5000 (Vermeer). In addition to the 5nm process that has been determined, the data at hand shows that its built-in I/O Die is 6nm, and the desktop version is 6nm. The design is up to 16 cores and 32 threads, and the thermal design power consumption is 170W.

In other respects, the Ryzen 7000 will be fully equipped with the AM5 interface (LGA1718), support DDR5 memory and AMD RAMP memory acceleration technology, and it is expected to add support for PCIe 5.0, USB 4.0, NVMe 4.0 and other peripheral connections.

In addition, the matching is expected to be the 600 series chipset, including X670, B650 and so on.

5nm Zen4 is coming: Expose AMD Ryzen 7000 processor mass production at the end of this month: saving money and other listings



据悉,Zen4锐龙7000代号Raphael(拉斐尔),是Zen3锐龙5000(Vermeer)的正统迭代,除了已经确定的5nm工艺,手头资料显示,其内建的I/O Die为6nm,桌面版设计最多16核32线程,热设计功耗170W。

其它方面,锐龙7000将全面换装AM5接口(LGA1718),支持DDR5内存以及AMD RAMP内存加速技术,外围连接方面还有望添加对PCIe 5.0、USB 4.0、NVMe 4.0等支持。


5nm Zen4来了:曝AMD锐龙7000处理器本月末量产:攒钱等上市
