小学数据变现项目,Tik Tok+小红书两个平台运营,月入数万元(全套资料+教程)。




这个赛道简单来说就是在上面分发小学生的学习资料。不需要真人出境,也不需要拍视频。你只需要把资料截图,简单编辑后发给Tik Tok和小红书,就可以获客赚钱了。

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1、 Hello everyone, this is the account of the primary school teaching materials I operate. If you follow this track, I believe that all of you have swiped my video or followed my account. This account, which has been numbered from scratch to 180000 fans now, has taken about a year and brought me five or six figures of income every month. This track is simply to send out the learning materials of primary school students on it. No real people need to leave the country, no videos need to be taken, just take screenshots of the materials, simply edit them and send them to Tiktok and Little Red Book, then you can get customers and make money. Your browser does not support html5 video playback video:: - webkit-media-controls-enclosure {overflow: hidden;} video:: - webkit-media-controls-panel {width: calc (100%+30px);} The way to make money is also very simple. If parents want these materials, add me to WeChat, then pay a fee, and then download the corresponding materials in the group. It is simple and rough to realize (make money)! In this way, I can recruit more than 100 people every day, charge 39.9 per customer, and earn 5000 or 6000 yuan a day, net income, without any cost! You can see the number of my groups. Each group can hold 2000 people, and it is full! This piece of income alone is very considerable! 2、 Gains from joining the course: Gains 1: [Teaching and drainage], no customers, no traffic. I will teach you to build a Tiktok account from scratch, build your traffic pipeline, and make money whatever you do with traffic. Harvest 2: [Teaching cash flow] Three ways of cash flow, including selling materials, shaking audio tape goods, and starting a group quickly, with super cash flow ability! The first way to realize cash is to sell data in private domain and make net profits. I have students who sell electronic version and make tens of thousands of dollars a month! The second way of realization: selling goods in the Tiktok shop window, more than tens of thousands of dollars a month, more than hundreds of dollars a day, which is normal. The third way of realization: I have students who earn 30000 or 40000 yuan a month by selling things related to children through Kuatuan Tuan. Harvest 3: provide a first-hand source of goods. There is no source of goods without products. I will connect you with a first-hand supplier. There is no need to ship directly, and there is no need to press the inventory. You need to implement it hard. Harvest 4. Provide electronic materials. Sign up and give away the materials of grades 1-6. You can download and use the materials in the group, share them, and edit videos.

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