5 月 29 日消息,据日本放送协会 (NHK) 报道,日本将在 6 月 1 日实施一项新法律,要求宠物商家必须在猫狗身上安装微型芯片。



业主在购买狗或猫时还需要在 30 天内登记其姓名、地址、电话号码等。

据兽医介绍,该微型芯片是一个直径 2 毫米、长约 1 厘米的圆柱形电子装置,用注射器从狗和猫的颈部注射到肩胛骨附近。

[日本新法规定商家必须给猫狗植入芯片,6 月 1 日生效]

根据日本环境省的数据,令和元年(公元 2019 年)因遗失或弃养而被地方政府接管的猫狗数量已上升至 85000 多只,这是一个需要处理的问题。

东京江东区一家宠物店管理公司负责人表示:“以前我会在项圈上贴一个带有联系方式的走失标签,但可能会脱落,所以我推荐这种可以半永久存在的微型芯片。”On May 29, according to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Japan will implement a new law on June 1 that requires pet businesses to install microchips on cats and dogs.
According to reports, with the implementation of the new law, breeders such as breeders and pet stores will be able to install microchips on dogs and cats for sale and record the names, genders, breeds and coat colors of dogs and cats in a national database.
Owners also need to register their name, address, phone number, etc. within 30 days when purchasing a dog or cat.
According to veterinarians, the microchip is a cylindrical electronic device 2 mm in diameter and about 1 cm long, which is injected with a syringe from the neck of dogs and cats near the shoulder blade.
[Japan's new law stipulates that businesses must implant microchips in cats and dogs, effective June 1] According to data from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, the number of cats and dogs taken over by local governments due to loss or abandonment in the first year of Reiwa (2019 AD) has been Rising to over 85,000, this is a problem to deal with.
The head of a pet store management company in Tokyo's Koto Ward said: "I used to put a stray tag with contact information on the collar, but it might come off, so I recommend this kind of microchip that can exist semi-permanently."
