5 月 29 日消息,据菜鸟官方消息,菜鸟当前执行配送任务的无人车已接近 500 辆,已成为全球最大的一支快递无人车队。

[菜鸟建成全球最大快递无人车队,小蛮驴累计送达快递 1000 多万件]

▲ 图自菜鸟

IT之家了解到,日前,阿里巴巴集团公布最新财报,数据显示菜鸟全年外部收入占比 69%,并在快递无人车上取得新突破。截至 3 月 31 日,菜鸟无人车小蛮驴已累计送达快递超过 1000 万件,创造了全球物流企业无人配送新纪录。

据介绍,菜鸟无人车采用 L4 级无人驾驶技术,集成了阿里巴巴达摩院最前沿的人工智能技术,具有类人认知智能,大脑应急反应速度达到人类 7 倍,只用 0.01 秒就能判别 100 个以上行人和车辆的行动意图。


On May 29th, according to the official news of Cainiao, Cainiao currently has nearly 500 unmanned vehicles performing delivery tasks, and has become the world's largest express unmanned fleet.
[Cainiao has built the world's largest unmanned express delivery fleet, and Xiaomanlu has delivered more than 10 million pieces of express delivery] ▲ Picture from Cainiao IT Home, Alibaba Group announced the latest financial report a few days ago, and the data shows that Cainiao's annual external revenue accounted for 69%, and made new breakthroughs in express unmanned vehicles. As of March 31, the Cainiao self-driving car Xiaomanlu has delivered more than 10 million pieces of express delivery, setting a new record for unmanned delivery by global logistics companies.
According to reports, the Cainiao unmanned vehicle adopts L4-level unmanned driving technology and integrates the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology of Alibaba Damo Academy. It has human-like cognitive intelligence, and the brain emergency response speed is 7 times that of human beings. It can identify the action intentions of more than 100 pedestrians and vehicles.
