How to apply for Alipay/WeChat U.S. merchants After 2 years and 4 months of system update and perfection, our integrated payment system is definitely the safest and most convenient in the U.S. market, with super-excellent rates to thank the merchants who accompany our growth. Why do U.S. merchants need it? Connect to Alipay?

For American merchants, Alipay will bring an excellent business opportunity. Chinese tourists and students with high net worth and high spending power are pouring into the United States continuously. In 2016, there were 4 million tourists from the United States and 1 million students studying in the United States.

Below I will explain to you how to register as a U.S. merchant. Enter the URL: enter the manager discount code: sales manager. The fee rate will be reduced from 2.9% to 1.8%. Each time you transfer money from the YUAN payment account to the merchant’s bank account, you will be charged $0.3 per day. End, week end, month end.

Enter company information. For merchants working from home, you only need to upload a house picture with a house number as the company's facade. We will review and approve the application within 5-10 working days. If you have any questions, you can contact me ERIC contact phone WeChat or scan me below WeChat QR code Click to enlarge Click to rotate right Click to rotate left 接入教程 如何申请支付宝/微信美国商家经过2年零4个月的系统更新完善我们的一体支付系统绝对是美国市场上最安全最方便的,超优的费率来答谢陪伴我们成长的商家为什么美国商户需要接入支付宝?

对美国商家来说 支付宝将带来一个绝佳的商机高净值和拥有高消费能力的中国游客和留学生正在源 源不断的涌入美国。2016年来美游客达4百万人次, 留美留学生达1百万人。

下面我给大家讲解如何注册成为圆支付美国商家输入网址:输入经理优惠码:sales manager 费率会从2.9%降低为1.8%是从圆支付账户转钱到商家银行账户每次收费$0.3可选择日结,周结,月结。


