Owner’s equity refers to the remaining equity enjoyed by the owner after deducting liabilities from the assets of the enterprise. The owner's equity of a company is also called shareholder's equity. Owner’s equity is the owner’s right to claim the remaining assets of the enterprise. It is the part of the enterprise’s assets that should be enjoyed by the owner after the creditor’s equity is deducted. idea.
The sources of owner’s equity include capital invested by the owner, other comprehensive income, retained earnings, etc., usually consisting of equity (or paid-in capital), capital reserve (including equity premium or capital premium, other capital reserve), and surplus reserve And undistributed profits.
The capital invested by the owner refers to the part of the capital invested by the owner in the enterprise. It includes both the amount that constitutes the registered capital or equity of the enterprise, and the amount of capital invested in excess of the registered capital or equity, that is, capital premium or equity premium. The invested capital is reflected as capital reserve (capital premium).
Other comprehensive income refers to the various gains and losses that the enterprise has not recognized in the current profit and loss in accordance with the accounting standards.
Retained income refers to the internal accumulation that the enterprise extracts or forms from the profits realized over the years and is retained in the enterprise, including surplus reserves and undistributed profits.
The so-called owner’s equity refers to the ownership of the company and the net assets of the company and enterprise investors, which is the balance of all the assets of the company and the enterprise minus all the liabilities. Owner’s equity indicates the property relationship of the company or enterprise, that is, who owns the company or enterprise. Owners’ equity includes invested capital, capital reserve and retained earnings, etc. The invested capital refers to the "capital" invested by the company or the owner of the company and the enterprise. It can be invested in monetary funds, physical assets such as houses, equipment, etc., or intangible assets such as patent rights; capital reserve fund Mainly derived from capital premium (such as the part of the premium that exceeds the par value when issuing stocks), accepting donations from others, and appreciation of asset valuation, etc.; retained earnings mainly include undistributed profits, surplus reserve funds drawn by enterprises, etc.
Wiki Owner's Equity

所有者投入的资本,是指所有者投入企业的资本部分,它既包括构成企业注册资本或者股本的金额,也包括投入资本超过注册资本或股本部分的金额,即资本溢价或股本溢价,这部分投入资本作为资本公积(资本溢价) 反映。



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