#31度网赚班# 最新手动搬砖项目,随便上传一个30秒视频就行,简单操作日入50-200 操作方法:利用接码平台接码注册新账号,手动搬砖,随便上传一个30秒的视频,每单利润3到7元,日收入大概50-200元不等。




Operation method: use the code receiving platform to register a new account, move bricks manually, upload a 30 second video randomly, the profit per order is 3 to 7 yuan, and the daily income is about 50-200 yuan. The operation is also very simple. If you have more spare time, you can operate multiple mobile phones at the same time. The more mobile phones, the more you earn. Supported devices: Android phones contain detailed operation tutorial videos
