#31度网赚班# QQ强制聊天脚本,支持筛选/发送文字功能,不支持多开【协议版】

(2985期)QQ强制聊天脚本 外面卖300/月支持多开批量操作,只能发送图片【模拟器版】







This post was finally edited by wzjs at 10:27 on June 29, 2022. It was released yesterday with the help of [simulator version]. The effect is better (issue 2985). QQ compulsory chat script is sold outside for 300/ month. It supports more batch operations. It can only send pictures. QQ compulsory chat script that charges 300 for a month outside [simulator version], which means that you can directly send private messages to each other through this script without adding friends. This version is the agreement version, (the software of this project needs a card secret, don't look if you mind) advantages: you can send text or picture messages, and you can filter whether the other party is the object of private messages. Disadvantages: you can't open more, and one computer can only run one QQ device at the same time. Requirements: computers (recommended for win10 system) win7 and win11 are not tested. If there is a need, it is recommended to test by yourself. This site only provides project sharing, and it is forbidden to publish any illegal acts. In case of any occurrence, it has nothing to do with this website, and the publisher shall bear all responsibilities personally!
