#31度网赚班# 韩国酷胖Coupang无货源电商:单店一天利润500+完爆国内一切平台 在1688和拼多多上面采集一些爆款的产品,大部分是在拼多多上因为拼多多没有运费。然后通过软件加价把他上传到韩国的酷胖上面,但是现在酷胖是反对大幅度铺货的,一个店铺只能上1200个品,所以这对我们选品是很有讲究的,我有几个我研究出来的爆款,在国内单价很低很低,加入物流成本是30块钱,卖在国外的话折合成人名币在80块钱,平台的消费人群消费能力很强,但是受限于韩国制作业的不发达,一些小工艺品的利润空间还是非常广的,而且酷胖能做到产品的利润率能控制在35~45%,酷胖像中国的淘宝和京东的集合体,我不用一天出几百单,我一天出个7.8 单 一个店铺一天就有500的利润,这还是平常的情况,如果赶上爆单,一天出个几十单,利润说不上大富大贵吧,几千块钱还是没问题的。做无货源大家都怕侵权吧,任何平台都很打击铺货,酷胖呢?这样说吧,睁一只眼,闭一只眼,为什么?国内卖家目前做酷胖的不超过200w个,而且酷胖大的资本不会进来因为他不感冒于韩国5300w左右的人口,现在中国的卖家都是做无货源模式居多,平台刚做起来需要卖家支撑,现在打击卖家岂不是自寻死路?只要你上品的时候别上一些违禁品如:五黑类,儿童用品类,高仿类以及品牌类就都行,再说酷胖的物流吧,因为韩国和山东靠的特别近,基本上把货物发到山东再发到韩国整个交付的时间就在7天左右

Collect some popular products on 1688 and pinduoduo, most of which are on pinduoduo because pinduoduo has no freight. Then he uploaded it to Kupang in South Korea through the software price increase. But now Kupang is opposed to large-scale distribution. A store can only sell 1200 products, so this is very particular about our selection. I have several popular products that I have studied. The unit price in China is very low, and the logistics cost is 30 yuan. If sold abroad, it is equivalent to 80 yuan for adults. The consumer group of the platform has strong consumption ability, However, due to the underdeveloped manufacturing industry in South Korea, the profit margin of some small handicrafts is still very wide. Moreover, Kupang can control the profit margin of its products at 35~45%. Kupang is like a collection of Taobao and JD in China. I don't need to issue hundreds of orders a day. If I issue 7.8 a day, a single store will generate 500 profits a day. This is still a normal situation. If we catch up with the explosion of orders, dozens of orders will be issued a day, Profits can not be said to be very rich. Thousands of yuan is still no problem. Everyone is afraid of infringement if there is no source of goods. Any platform will crack down on the distribution of goods. Is it cool and fat? Let's put it this way. Open one eye and close one eye. Why? At present, there are no more than 200W domestic sellers working in Kupang, and kupangda's capital will not come in because he is not interested in the population of about 5300w in South Korea. At present, most Chinese sellers are working in the mode of no source of goods. The platform has just been built and needs the support of sellers. Is it not suicidal to crack down on sellers now? As long as you don't wear some contraband when you get the top grade, such as five black products, children's products, high imitation products and brand products, and Kupang's logistics, because South Korea and Shandong are very close, basically the delivery time of the goods to Shandong and then South Korea is about 7 days
