#31度网赚班# 2022短视频7天起号模式,教大家如何0基础,玩好短视频【视频教程】无水印







Today's course, let's share the newly developed 7-day starting mode, share our practical experience, and explain in detail what to do every day, so that everyone can start the number quickly, improve the weight of the account, and get high playback volume and fast fans. 7 days from the number of practical operation, mode sharing: the first day of account registration, do not need to modify the data, random browsing of the video can be done, to maintain basic interaction and activity. On the second day, we will improve the account and improve the four piece set of account. We can learn from the benchmarking account, pay attention to 5-10 excellent accounts in the industry, browse the video targeted through the key words, and brush the home page recommendation. When the home page recommendation is basically industry-related videos, it is completed. On the third day, the original video will be released. Remember, don't send moving and secondary editing works. You can collect and shoot works by yourself. You can shoot landscapes, add filters and special effects, and publish in HD. Day 4-7, wait for operation, watch the face-to-face course video~
