#31度网赚班# 蓝海公众号矩阵:普通人也能赚钱的公众号玩法,月入过N万

#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# Blue Ocean Public Account Matrix: The public account gameplay that ordinary people can make money with, with a monthly income of over N0,000

In fact, the matrix is ​​composed of multiple official accounts. Generally, one official account is used as the main account, and the others are used as trumpet accounts. In the same field, different themes, such as local matrix accounts, are the food, drink and entertainment that cover the whole place. Their characteristics That is, low input cost and quick realization in the short term.

In terms of content operation, you can go to Watermelon Assistant to see how many of the above accounts are done, and there are many latest materials suitable for matrix accounts, and you can also synchronize to multiple public accounts with one click.

Determine the main direction content; Determine the content classification, the classification must be multi-dimensional and cover all perspectives; Apply for the official account according to the classification; Update the content to the designated official account according to the classification; When operating, carry each other.



确定主方向内容; 确定内容分类,分类一定要多维度,全视角覆盖; 根据分类申请公众号; 根据分类更新内容到指定公众号; 运营的时候,相互携带。


"1、苦通人怓公众号能有多茂钱?.mp4 "
"2、公众号项目的四大歪利方法mp4 "

"3、一人只能主呥—个账号?教你注册矩诘..mp4 "

"4、一次音300,一张菩业执熙主芍,2个账号的方法mp4 "

"5、 "
"6、作业.mp4 "

"四^至础纪詈.mp4 "

