#31度网赚班# 王者荣耀跳人脸技术+改战区技术教程,一份教程卖50,一天能卖5-15份 王者作为业内蝉联六年第一的手游,市场极大。玩过王者都知道现在人脸很麻烦,上别人号一直跳,而且代练和帮人打号的人非常多,所以客户也是等于无限多,目前没多少人知道跳人脸的办法。一份教程卖50,随便一天卖个5-15份没问题。当然前提要上的号必须是号主本人的实名,不然就别买了,没用。

As the number one mobile game in the industry for six consecutive years, Wang Zhe has a huge market. All those who have played the game know that the face is very troublesome now. They jump on other people's numbers all the time, and there are a lot of people practicing on behalf of others and playing numbers for people. Therefore, there are an infinite number of customers. At present, few people know how to jump on the face. A course costs 50. It's OK to sell 5-15 copies a day. Of course, the number on the premise must be the real name of the owner, otherwise don't buy it. It's useless.
