

Dinosaurs controlled the earth for 160 million years, and then suddenly disappeared from the earth. As for how these overlords went extinct, the scientific community has various hypotheses such as asteroid collision, temperature drop, and atmospheric changes.

A new study published in the top academic journal "Nature" (Nature), based on the theory of asteroid impact, gives a more accurate conclusion at the time of the end of dinosaurs, that is, the end of the dinosaur era (Mesozoic) hope. The Cthulub asteroid collision happened in the spring of the northern hemisphere.

The research was jointly completed by researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Uppsala University in Sweden, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The authors say that about 66 million years ago, a huge asteroid slammed into what is now Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, causing a mass extinction that killed 76 percent of Earth's species, including non-avian dinosaurs, winged Dragons and Ammonites.

However, so far, workshops on the moment of this event have focused on the millennium scale, so the timing of the impact is unknown.

MelanieDuring digs up a spoonnose sturgeon in Tanix sediments.

To address this question, Melanie During and colleagues at Uppsala University studied the remains of filter-feeding sturgeon-shaped fish (sturgeons and sturgeons) that died collectively that day. Unique three-dimensional growth patterns can be seen in the well-preserved fossils, providing a record of the changing seasons. Combined with carbon isotope data, these results suggest that the fish died in the northern hemisphere spring.

For X-ray fluorescence analysis performed at the University of Brussels, bone slices excised in epoxy resin were placed on glass spheres.

These fish are found in Late Cretaceous sediments in North Dakota, USA. They had impact debris in their gills, but did not deepen their digestive systems, indicating that they died almost instantly in a sudden surging upstream of a river caused by a lakequake (land water roaring under the impact) triggered by a single impact.

A sturgeon from the Tanis Channel, before being scanned by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). The right beak is missing, as is the part behind the left shoulder fin.

The authors believe that the calamity occurred in spring, a sensitive period for many northern hemisphere species to reproduce and nurse their offspring. Ecosystems in the southern hemisphere were in a period of fall stagnation, they said, and have since recovered nearly twice as fast as in the northern hemisphere. The study believes that the discovery helps explain subsequent extinction patterns and improves understanding of this critical moment in Earth's history.




为解决这一问题,乌普萨拉大学的Melanie During及其同事研讨了当天团体逝世的滤食性鲟形鱼类(鲟科和匙吻鲟科)的遗骸。在保存完好的化石里可见独特的三维成长形式,供给了时节改变的记载。结合碳同位素数据,这些结果标明这些鱼死于北半球的春季。




