
研究团队提出了两个想法:HD1可能正在以惊人的速度形成恒星,甚至可能是宇宙第一颗恒星Population Ⅲ恒星的家园,或者,HD1可能包含一个超大质量黑洞,其质量约为太阳质量的1亿倍。


An international team of astronomers, including researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, has discovered the most distant galaxy ever discovered, according to a study published in The Astrophysical Journal on the 7th. The candidate galaxy, named HD1, is about 13.5 billion light-years away.

The research team has come up with two ideas: HD1 may be forming stars at an alarming rate and may even be home to the universe's first star, Population III, or, HD1 may contain a supermassive black hole with a mass of about 1 solar mass. billion times.

"Answering questions about the nature of such distant galaxies can be challenging," said paper co-author Fabio Pacucci, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics. "It's like a ship on a distant shore, in high winds and thick fog. , guess its nationality from the flag it flies. People may see some colors and shapes of the flag, but not all. At the end of the day, it's a long game of analysing and ruling out unreasonable scenarios."

HD1 is very bright under UV light. At first the researchers assumed it was a standard starburst galaxy, one that is creating stars at high speed. But after calculating how many stars HD1 produced, they found that HD1 was forming more than 100 stars a year. The speed was unbelievable, at least 10 times higher than they expected.

The team began to suspect that HD1 might not form the usual stars. "The first stars that formed in the universe were bigger, brighter, and hotter than modern stars," Pakucci said. "If the stars produced in HD1 were these first or third population stars, then its properties would be easier. Explanation. The fact that Group III stars produce more ultraviolet light than ordinary stars sheds light on the extreme ultraviolet luminosity of HD1."

However, supermassive black holes could also explain HD1's extreme brightness. The region around the black hole may emit high-energy photons as it devours a large amount of gas.

If so, it would be the earliest known supermassive black hole to date, observed closer to the Big Bang than the current record holder.

"HD1 will represent a giant baby in the birthing room of the early universe," said Ivy Loeb, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics. "Its redshift is almost twice the redshift of the highest quasar ever recorded, which is a A remarkable feat."

"Finding HD1 from more than 700,000 celestial objects is a very tough job," said the team's researchers. "HD1's red color matches well with the expected features of galaxies 13.5 billion light-years away."

The research team performed follow-up observations using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to confirm the distance, which is 100 million light-years further than the current record holder for the most distant galaxy, GN-z11.

They will also observe HD1 again using the James Webb Space Telescope to verify its distance from Earth. If the current calculations prove correct, HD1 would be the most distant and oldest galaxy on record.

These observations will allow the research team to dig deeper into the "identity" of HD1. "Formed hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang, the black hole in HD1 must have grown at an unprecedented rate from a huge seed." Loeb said, nature seems to be more imaginative than us.









