
On the morning of March 28, a magical scene was staged in the southeastern sky: the three planets Venus, Mars and Saturn were "in the same frame" with a crescent moon. Many astrophotography enthusiasts in our country photographed these four bright celestial bodies "in the same frame". "A rare picture. It is understood that on the morning of March 29, the three planets and the waning moon will be "in the same frame" again, but the mutual positions of the stars and moons will change slightly.

The five bright planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, orbit the sun together. Because the five planets move at different speeds, the faster planet sometimes passes by the other planet, making the two planets appear very close, forming a planetary conjunction; sometimes, several planets even come together at the same time and gather in A smaller area in the sky called a planetary meeting.

From the end of March to the beginning of April, Venus, Mars and Saturn will have a relatively close reunion. Among them, they were the closest on March 28 and 29, and the three gathered within a range of just over 5 degrees. Coincidentally, on the 28th, a waning moon will join the ranks of these three planets and conjoin them in turn.

However, in our country, the three stars are below the horizon when they conjoin the moon, and people cannot observe the closest moment between the moon and the planets. "Our observation opportunities can only be on the morning of March 28, before the moon and the three planets approach; or on the morning of March 29, after the moon and the three planets approach, the three stars of gold, fire, and earth accompany the moon." said Kou Wen, a senior engineer at the Beijing Planetarium.

Among the three planets, the most eye-catching is the extremely bright Venus, with a brightness of -4.3 and the highest altitude; before dawn on the 28th, Saturn is about 2 and a half degrees below Venus, with a brightness of 0.8; the dimest Mars is more than 5 degrees to the right of Venus, and its brightness is only 1.1 magnitude; the crescent moon is on the right side of the three planets, the closest to Mars. On the 29th, the positions of the three planets did not change much. Compared with the previous day, the distance between Venus and Saturn was closer. At this time, the crescent moon was thinner than the previous day, and the altitude was lower. It has reached three planets. Below the stars, it is difficult to observe.

"It is rare for these three planets to meet at such a close distance. The last time they closely met was in the evening of early August 2010, and the scope of the gathering was smaller than this time. In June 2032, they will meet again, only at a distance. The sun is too close to be seen from the ground."

In early September 2040, the three planets Venus, Mars, and Saturn will come together again at close range, Cowan said. It is very rare that the other two of the five planets, Mercury and Jupiter, will also join their ranks and gather within a range of less than 10 degrees, forming a five-star convergence phenomenon that has not been encountered in a century.

"What's even more rare is that on the evening of September 8, 2040, the moon will walk among them. The six celestial bodies in the solar system are distributed in such a small area and appear together in the low western sky in the evening. It is a rare astronomical spectacle in life. ."

rare! The golden fire, earth and moon are in the same frame, and the picture is spectacular: the next time will be reproduced in 2032








罕见!金火土月同框了 画面很壮观:下次重现2032年
