
Recently, NVIDIA suffered a ransomware attack by the South American hacking organization LAPSU$, which once led to the interruption of email and development tools, but the official said that the business was normal and unaffected, and also launched a counterattack against hackers, hacking the other party's machine.

But not over, the hacking organization released a message today that they hacked into the NVIDIA system for about a week, although NVIDIA launched a counterattack, they still obtained about 1TB of data, including product design blueprints, drivers, firmware, documentation, tools, SDK development kits and so on.

They are waiting for NVIDIA to contact them, naturally with the aim of getting NVIDIA to bid back the classified data.

The hackers said they would take action if they didn't get a response.

In fact, hackers are already in action, publicly selling the cracking algorithm of the LHR v2 lock version of the RTX 30 series graphics card, while asking NVIDIA to remove the mining resistance limit of the entire RTX 30 series.

Bizarrely, the hackers claimed that they were doing this to help mine owners and gamers because the restrictions were unfriendly to everyone.

This God's logic is really enough...

At present, NVIDIA has not made further statements.




事实上,黑客已经在行动了,正在公开叫卖RTX 30系列显卡LHR v2锁算力版本的破解算法,同时要求NVIDIA移除RTX 30全系的挖抗限制。




