根据外媒的报道,GitHub 今天经历了长达两个多小时的宕机,影响了数以千计甚至数百万依赖其众多服务的开发者。报道称,GitHub 在美国东部时间下午 3:45 左右开始出现问题,包括 Git 操作、API 请求、GitHub Actions、GitHub Packages、GitHub Pages 和拉取请求等服务都受到影响。

According to foreign media reports, GitHub has experienced more than two hours of downtime today, affecting thousands or even millions of developers who rely on its many services. According to reports, GitHub began to experience problems around 3:45 pm Eastern Time, including Git operations, API requests, GitHub Actions, GitHub Packages, GitHub Pages, and pull requests. Services were all affected.

At the time, the GitHub status page wrote: "We are actively investigating the bugs affecting GitHub's service and will provide updates as soon as possible."

During the downtime, the official Twitter account of GitHub Status continued to update the latest status of GitHub. From a timeline point of view, the first service that experienced performance degradation was GitHub Actions, which subsequently spread to services such as issue, PR merge and pull, and GitHub Packages. It was not until more than two hours later that the problem was identified and repaired.

GitHub now serves more than 73 million developers and hosts more than 100 million repositories. The developers and maintainers of these repositories rely on the services provided by GitHub for version control and other project management operations, so any failure will affect a large number of organizations . Last year, GitHub was down for more than two hours due to a service error. The reason for this downtime has not been announced, and it has been fully restored.



当时 GitHub status 页面写道:“我们正在积极调查影响 GitHub 服务的错误,并将尽快提供更新。”

宕机期间,GitHub Status 的官方推特帐号在持续更新 GitHub 的最新状态。从时间线来看,最早出现性能下降的服务是 GitHub Actions,随后扩散到 issue、PR 合并和拉取,以及 GitHub Packages 等服务。直到两个多小时之后才定位到问题,并进行修复。

GitHub 现在为超过 7300 万开发者提供服务,并托管了 1 亿多个仓库,这些仓库的开发者和维护者依靠 GitHub 提供的服务进行版本控制以及其他项目管理操作,因此任何故障都会影响到大量组织。去年 GitHub 曾因为服务出现错误导致宕机两个多小时,这次宕机的原因尚未公布,目前已完全恢复。
