



a. 能提供真实有效的同名营业执照商家,可正常开通当面付;

b. 没有同名营业执照的商家,可申请开通当面付基础版,每日收款有最高额度限制,但没有时间限制,点此查看详情。后续补充同名营业执照后,可升级每日收款额度。



签约订单查询 https://cshall.alipay.com/enterprise/knowledgeDetail.htm?knowledgeId=201602191944




a. 门头照
b. 内景照
a. 门头照
b. 内景照
a. 门头照
b. 内景照
a. 门头照
b. 内景照






2、APP应用/网址信息主体和签约账号公司主体一致,或提供了授权函件—— 必填


Pay in person to apply for the contract conditions 1. Enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households can apply; 2. Provide door photos; 3. Option to provide information: business license of the same name.

Merchants who can provide a true and valid business license of the same name can normally open face-to-face payment; merchants without a business license of the same name can apply for the basic version of face-to-face payment. There is a maximum daily payment limit, but there is no time limit. Click here for details. After supplementing the business license of the same name, the daily payment limit can be upgraded.

Reminder: The requirements for the door are as follows: Store scene: store signboard + facade + business items (the signboard name is fully identifiable and has a complete door frame, the signboard is clear and not night scene); Booth scene: the real scene of the business place (the booth needs panoramic view + business items) ; Indoor: signboard + real scene of business premises (the name of the signboard is completely identifiable and contains the interior scene of the business premises-such as office premises and operating equipment); parking service: post kiosk; campus group meal: real scene of the business premises (the booth needs panoramic view + business items); Mobile business scenario: panoramic view of business tools, taxis must have license plates, and the driver must sit in the driving seat.

Inquire about the contracted order, check the progress of the contract, check the contract agreement, confirm the reason for rejection, and check the reason for the rejection. 1. The rules for paying products in person You can log in to the merchant backstage on Alipay’s PC and enter the "Products-Contract Management" to restore the product through the completion of the qualification certificate For normal use, click here to enter my product.


Account type Receivable limit rules Entry qualification requirements (pages need to be filled in) Use time Personal account Single receipt ≤ 2000 yuan, single day receipt ≤ 20000 yuan, no distinction between debit or credit channels 1. Business scenarios need to be submitted according to specifications Interior photos of the door head photo 2, store name/brand name 3, actual business address If the submitted information fails within 30 days, the merchant needs to fill in the door head photo and other information within 30 days after the contract takes effect, otherwise it will affect normal receipt payment.

Reminder: When the use time expires (calculated from the effective date of the contract, 30 days), the system will send out a pending notice 15 days and 3 days before the expiration date. The 30-day period expires. In order to have a better product experience, it is recommended that you make up for it in time. Full qualification)

Personal account Single receipt ≤ 2000 yuan, single day receipt ≤ 20000 yuan, no debit or credit channels are distinguished 1. Business scene photos must be submitted in accordance with the specifications. Door head photos and interior photos 2. Store name/business brand name 3. Actual business address If the submitted materials are passed, the contract will be valid for 1 year, and the personal account will be automatically renewed without any objection before the expiration. The collection is not limited. 1. The business scene photos need to be submitted according to the specifications. Brand name 3. Actual business address 4. Provide your own business license with the same name or non-family business license supporting authorization. If all the submitted materials are passed, the collection is not limited to the corporate account. The collection is not limited. 2. Store name/business brand name 3. Actual business address 4. Provide your own business license with the same name or non-family business license to support authorization. If all the submitted materials are passed, the collection is not restricted. 2. Mobile website, computer website, APP Rules for the basic version of the payment product contract You can log in to the merchant backstage on the Alipay PC terminal, enter the "Products-Contract Management", and restore the normal use of the product through the completion of the qualification certificate. Click here to enter my product.


Collection limit rules Entry qualification requirements (pages need to be filled in) Use time single collection ≤ 2000 yuan, single-day collection ≤ 20,000 yuan, no distinction between debit or credit channels 1. Provide a business license with the same name as the real-name verified Alipay account 2. The main body of the APP application/URL information is inconsistent with the main body of the contracted account company, and the authorization letter is provided. If the submitted materials fail within 30 days, the merchant needs to fill in the door photo and other materials within 30 days after the contract takes effect, otherwise normal receipt will be affected. payment.

Reminder: When the use time expires (calculated from the effective date of the contract, 30 days), the system will send out a pending notice 15 days and 3 days before the expiration date. The 30-day period expires. In order to have a better product experience, it is recommended that you make up for it in time. Full qualification)

Receipts are not subject to limit 1. Provide a business license with the same name as the real-name verified Alipay account-required 2. The subject of the APP application/URL information is the same as the main body of the contracted account company, or an authorization letter is provided-required unlimited *specifically The actual audit results and the rules of use are the main
