黄岛主-淘宝虚拟项目选品实操分享课,合适新手选虚拟品的玩法 全盘分享给你







当然了,能做什物肯定主张做什物,由于什物的违规少啊。但话说回来了,虚拟的又比什物赚钱 ,操作上更简单快捷。


The content shared today is divided into these parts: selection direction, selection roots, selection thinking, selection methods, and shelf testing. It can be said that the direction of virtual product selection is very comprehensive. In addition, I am not good at physical selection. If you are making physical products, this article may not be suitable, but if you are making virtual products, it is definitely suitable for you. Seriously, virtual products are both easy to do and difficult to do. Unlike physical products, virtual products have many risks. If you choose them carelessly, they can be taken off the shelf, scored, infringed, or even prosecuted. However, if you avoid risks, basically everything you just said will pass you by and won't be found on you. However, if you don't deduct points, it may be a bit more stringent, because sometimes it is more stringent, Will be affected by the environment, but basically no points will be deducted. Take this "double reduction" as an example. Many virtual products within this range have been taken off the shelf by bartenders, but no points will be deducted. Because this environment is unpredictable, it is reasonable. My suggestion is: If you want to do virtual, do it well, learn more about avoidance methods and selection methods, and if you don't want to do it, don't step into this step, otherwise you will make you not want to do Taobao. Of course, if you can make physical objects, it is definitely recommended to do so, because there are few violations of physical objects. But then again, virtual money is easier and faster to operate than physical money. Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's take a look at the high-definition video course:

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