引流必备-外面收费488抖音引流养号全主动脚本 解放双手主动引流(脚本+教程)

笔直养号:设置好你所需求的职业关键词软件主动挑选属手你职业的笔直视频,  模仿人工进行点赞,重视,谈论。
一键取赞: 主动撤销你点赞的著作。
截流谈论: 输入相关关键字,对有关键字的谈论点赞及私信回复。
粉丝转化: 主动挑选对某账号内满意条件粉丝主动私信。
智能回评: 对谈论自己的谈论进行回复。
职业转化: 搜索所需关键词,对其用户列表进行挑选履行相对任务。
赞回访: 在著作点赞列表,对用户著作回赞。
粉丝回访: 主动对重视自己的用户私信回访。
精准转化: 在用户列表,设置粉丝点赞量,超越不履行。
直播场控: 对直播间的人打招呼互动。
直播拓客: 主动重视榜单并发弹幕。
直播赞: 对直播间点赞。
主播互动: 在直播间可点赞,讲话,送灯牌。
弹幕循环: 设置好的弹幕会循环发送。
直播养号: 模仿人工观看直播。




★ Function introduction ★ Smart account: simulate artificial random viewing, like, follow, comment. Vertical support number: set the industry keywords you need, and the software will automatically screen the vertical videos belonging to your industry, and simulate the artificial likes, attention, and comments. Universal drainage: by pushing your account and works to the exposure of Tiktok's more active user groups, attract them to like, comment and follow us. One-click access: cancel the attention of people who do not pay attention to themselves or each other. One-click like: automatically cancel the works you like. Interception comments: enter relevant keywords, like comments with keywords and reply to private messages. Intra-city drainage: automatically identify and increase the exposure of account works within 10 kilometers. Video filtering: in the search page, the video playback interface of the filtering results runs, and videos exceeding the set likes will not perform the task. Fan conversion: automatic filtering of automatic private messages for fans who meet the conditions in an account. Smart feedback: reply to your own comments. Industry transformation: search for the required keywords, and filter the user list to perform relative tasks. Like return: in the work like list, you can like the user's work. Follow-up of fans: automatic follow-up of users' private letters. Precise conversion: in the user list, set the number of fans' likes, and do not execute if it exceeds. Live broadcast control: greet and interact with people in the live broadcast room. Live Toker: automatically follow the list and pop up. Live likes: like the live room. Host interaction: in the live broadcast room, you can praise, speak, and send out lights. Bullet screen cycle: the set bullet screen will be sent in a cycle. Live broadcast number: simulate watching live broadcast manually. Equipment requirements: Remember to open the floating window and barrier-free function before operating Android phones above 7.1. This script needs to purchase a card secret for a few yuan. If you mind, please move to the project without card secret

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