#31度网赚班# 最新企业彩铃项目+闲鱼小样项目,利润每天200+轻轻松松,纯视频拆解玩法






Two disassembled projects are shared: one is the enterprise ring tone project, and the other is the idle fish sample project, both of which are sideline realization projects. After reading it, you can do it yourself according to the disassembly method, and you can't guarantee the effect after the operation, because it's the way we disassemble the project. Finally, if you want to learn and operate by yourself. I think thinking learning is still very important. Look at other projects you haven't seen and learn other people's operation ideas. Now we are constantly learning and thinking of people who do better in the project, because the peers are the best teachers. If you always work behind closed doors and wait for good projects to come to you, you are basically useless and you are not suitable for this competitive Internet industry. Basically, in everyone's eyes, other people's projects are the best. Therefore, I suggest you look at the ideas of other people's homes. Recently, I will keep recording some video teaching of project disassembly, so you can learn and communicate more. Disassembly video of two specific projects
