#31度网赚班# 最新微博私信机,暴力引流,号称日发私信十万条【详细教程】 别处卖大几千的最新微博私信机,引流神器,号称日发私信十万条。





The latest microblog private messenger sold in thousands elsewhere is a drainage artifact, known as sending 100000 private messages a day. Prerequisite: bring your own microblog number (you can also register yourself), or go to find your own channel to buy microblog number. It's not expensive. There is no channel to buy number here. Mind not placing an order! Equipment requirements: the computer will automatically deliver the goods after placing an order, including the permanent version software of microblog private messenger and supporting collection software [this software card has one machine and one function, and if you need to open more, take more photos!] Operating instructions: there is a detailed teaching video without watermark in the network disk. Please follow the steps of the teaching video! This site only provides project software sharing, without one-to-one guidance! Specific self-test!
