#31度网赚班# 重磅发布小红书、抖音亲子知识付费项目,每个月轻松4万+(价值888元)
一 收益


二 项目介绍


1 长期稳定
2 投入低,产出高,不用囤货
3 容易上手,学习成本低
4 所有操作流程化
5 第一批吃螃蟹的人
6 有人手把手带







三 课程介绍


1 账号
主要内容有:平台选择、账号定位、账号打造(头像 简介 名称 内容等)

2 资料选择:

3 剪辑:

4 发布相关:

5 导流变现:

I have been working on this project for 1 year, with a cumulative income of 300000. It can be said that it is very stable, and all processes have been run through. Compared with xiaohongshu teaching funds and preschool teachers' projects, the unit price of parent-child projects is much higher. The average price of a single income is about 300, and the average price of xiaohongshu teaching funds and preschool teachers' projects is about 50, which is not a level at all. II. Introduction of the project. A good project must meet the following points: 1. Long term stability. 2. Low input, high output, no need to stock up. 3. Easy to get started, low learning cost. 4. All operations are streamlined. 5. The first batch of people who eat crabs. 6. What is this project for? In a word, go to xiaohongshu Tiktok to release parent-child courses, and direct them to wechat to sell courses, sell members, and recruit partners. Revenue composition: ① the unit price of a single course is 50 yuan; ② the price of a member is 300 yuan; ③ the price of a partner is 700 yuan. Target group: mothers of children aged 4 to 10. The whole process: register an account - find information - make a video - publish a platform - drain wechat cash. There are many such projects online, and many people are doing the same projects. The project itself is worthless. The value lies in the service and process. You will not be given a set of cold project videos, so 90% of people can't make money. Starting with number maintenance, resource selection, video production, video release, drainage scripts, and circle of friends packaging are all processed. Just follow the process steps step by step. Novices don't innovate (it's nonsense to say bad), and doing so will definitely make money. Three course introductions mainly include five parts: 1. The main contents of the account include: platform selection, account positioning, account creation (avatar introduction, name, content, etc.) 2. Material selection: how to find videos, materials, which videos, courses will be popular, which will be explained in the video tutorial. 3 editing: the core will be explained in the video, including video length, resolution, subtitles, music, de watermarking, adding effects, color adjustment, how to leave a hook to guide customers to actively add wechat, quickly make a video template one minute, how to make customers want to pay attention after watching it, etc. 4. Release related: how to operate multiple accounts so that there will be no risk of closure, which pits should not be touched, and some precautions should be taken in publishing, so that the number of recommendations will be high. 5. Diversion cash flow: how to safely channel to wechat, how to realize the secondary cash flow, how to make the circle of friends poetic, how to improve the unit price, how to superimpose the cash flow of video number and wechat, wechat transaction script, how to quickly convert the formula of members and partners, and how to write a transaction document that wants to quit but cannot.
