#31度网赚班# 抖音模特儿写真项目,简单粗暴来钱快 一天赚1000+可规模化复制(附全套资料)

#31 Degree Network Earning Class# Douyin model photo project, simple and rude to make money quickly, earn 1000+ a day and can be copied on a large scale (with a full set of materials)

Project Introduction:

Publishing works through Douyin, diverting traffic to private domains, and converting performance is mainly to charge threshold fees and sell photos (a single 40-198 is pure profit)

About the transaction: the current transaction rate is 80%, because ten men are nine colors, and one is very sexy, and the photo is sold for 39.9 sets (because it is small money, the customers are very generous, and the transaction rate is very high)

One-on-one teaching, Xiaobai can operate, easy to get started, the same day of registration, it will explode on the same day, pressing 10 accounts can heat 8 accounts, and each account can drain 30 to 100 accurate fans on average, I provide model photos here , Drainage materials, transaction skills, and strong income execution brothers, it is no problem to earn about 1,000 a day for 10 accounts. The project can be operated in batches, can be enlarged, and is stable for a long time.





以上就是 抖音模特儿写真项目,简单粗暴来钱快 一天赚1000+可规模化复制(附全套资料) 网赚教程 的全部内容


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