#31度网赚班# 价值4988元:挂机数跑据,只需一部手机即可月盈利10万+(内部玩法)

#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# worth 4988 yuan: on-hook data running data, only one mobile phone can make a monthly profit of 100,000+ (internal gameplay)

This internal project, Hunter E-commerce: On-hook data running data, just one mobile phone can make a monthly profit of 100,000 + (internal play method) worth 4988 yuan On-hook data running data project, the focus is no brains, can be batched, One mobile phone and one ID card can operate dozens of accounts at the same time without real-name verification. One person can do it in batches, and it can be directly connected to the computer to run. This operation is very violent. An employee operating a mobile phone can earn 10w+ per month, and the output of a group of five or six people is worth a small studio.

Projects like this are actually very hard to find, and opportunities are hard to come across. Either you don’t have a circle, and you can’t get in touch with this information at all, or people do it internally and make a fortune in silence. Will not share.

The following summarizes the project issues that everyone is more concerned about:

Is this project complicated to operate? Can an inexperienced child learn to do it?

A: In fact, the operation of this project is very simple. You only need a mobile phone and an account can be operated in 40 minutes a day. In fact, it is more convenient for many students who go to work. In your free time, you can operate the account and go home after get off work. There is time to operate, and there is no limit to how many accounts you can operate according to your extra time.

The second question requires capital investment in the later stage? For example, do e-commerce need advance capital and working capital?

A: This project has no additional investment at all. It only needs a mobile phone. Different from our traditional e-commerce projects, many stores require a deposit and advance payment for delivery. We do not need this project at all, nor do we need it later.

The third question is that many students ask what is it like to run on-hook data without a concept?

A: Hanging up data is when you want to make a lot of accounts, you are not satisfied with one account, and you want to make more accounts with dozens or hundreds of accounts. At this time, you can use this software technology , hanging on a device to automatically run and automatically operate is also highly efficient, and small partners in the studio can infinitely zoom in and copy batch operations.

Course Catalog: Hunter E-commerce: On-Hook Data and Running Data

01. Preparations

02. A lot of video settings

03. Do a lot of video selection ideas

04. Find materials for explosives

05. Search for popular materials

06. A lot of video practice gameplay

07. Dodo Video Precautions

08.MCN registration method


MCN Registration.pdf

Tools needed.txt






















以上就是 价值4988元:挂机数跑据,只需一部手机即可月盈利10万+(内部玩法) 网赚教程 的全部内容


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