#31度网赚班# [高端精品]最新版贴吧私信机,日发私信10W条【详细视频操作教程+软件】








At the end of this post, wzjs edited the latest version of Baidu Post Bar private messenger at 12:47 on 2022-7-1. The private messenger leads to the fast one-step Post Bar private messenger. We don't need to introduce it in detail here. Anyway, we understand everything! Drainage necessary software, the previous effect should also be remembered by everyone. Since Baidu has made an official rectification of Post Bar private messages a few months ago, at present, some post bar private message machines in the market are basically useless. This site has specially launched the latest version of Post Bar private message software, which can be used normally after the webmaster's personal test. [Post Bar private messenger]: the operation of Post Bar private messenger needs to bring your own post bar CK small number. If you don't have one, you can buy it. The price of a post bar CK number is about 1 yuan, and you can send about 20-30 private messages every day. For details, it is recommended to conduct self-test. At present, the loss of Post Bar CK small number is OK after debugging and testing, but excessive release also leads to the risk of risk control of Post Bar CK small number. You have to be informed in advance, and it is recommended to operate multiple numbers, Control the amount of private messages sent every day. Don't post a single CK trumpet to receive private messages! Applicable environment: computer (it is recommended to use win7 or win10 computer system), win11 is not tested, and self-test is recommended if necessary. Send a detailed tutorial of software + operation video after placing an order.
