#31度网赚班# 最新百度战队全答题挂机项目,单窗口一天100+【全自动脚本+详细教程】














Project introduction: Baidu knows that the team's answer is coming again! The details of the activity rules are as follows: [activity time] August 25, 2022 - September 3, 2022 [activity theme] shining star team competition [activity play] this activity is aimed at all users. The principle of the project is to divide the cash and red packets by forming teams to answer questions. The script is used to automatically answer questions and obtain activity rewards. At least 100 + per day for a single window. The simulator can be hung up in batch and fresh. The activity only lasts for a few days, If you want to hurry up, this software needs to purchase a card secret. If you care, please move to other projects that do not need a card secret. Equipment requirements: computer (lightning simulator, do not shoot if the configuration is too low) this software needs to purchase a card secret. If you care, please move to projects that do not need a card secret. Notes: this platform is only for project sharing, and the specific authenticity is identified by yourself. The project does not provide one-to-one guidance. If you do not operate, Detailed video operation tutorials are provided in the network disk. Please carefully check the tutorials in the network disk and study by yourself. If Xiaobai cannot accept them, please do not place an order! If the project involves network recharge, please pay attention to personal precautions. Do not generate any money transactions in private to avoid being cheated!
