#31度网赚班# 2022黄先生训练营成员直播回放,认知+求职+写作+普通人如何赚钱! 






















































this post was last edited by wzjs at 09:39, June 5, 2022. course introduction this column is Mr. Huang's live playback. The course content mainly focuses on the playback of training camp. The course content is rich (including: cognitive realization, job search, business realization, investment, contacts, etc.). The course introduction is as follows: the course content includes: what industries are most worthy of your dedication in 2022, and what opportunities ordinary people have, Only the selected knowledge can change the destiny. The realization of knowledge is barbaric growth. In the first half of the year, I talked about the opportunities for ordinary people, taught you to obtain a high-quality social circle and establish a scientific investment system, cognition + job search + writing + cognitive system improvement cognition + job search, contacts, cognitive transformation how ordinary people see and catch up with the wind, business thinking analysis report, and Q & a content, etc. Course Directory: [0427 afternoon talk] what have I gained from live broadcasting for 40 hours a week Mp4 [0429] only selected knowledge can change fate Mp4 [0505] the first half of the year will pass. What opportunities will ordinary people have in the second half of the year Mp4 [0526 afternoon talk] be brave and be nice to yourself Mp4 [afternoon talk] what is the industry in 2022 that is most worthy of your dedication M4a [afternoon talk] Part 2: business thinking analysis report: it's too far to go from 0 to 1. How can we go from 0 to 0.1 Mp3 [afternoon talk] how to achieve multi project management if the main and auxiliary investments are correct M4a [afternoon talk] the layoffs in big Internet companies are surging. What kind of talent companies are scrambling for Mp4 [afternoon talk] what to do if life is confused Mp4 [afternoon talk] how can people understand people's hearts in interpersonal communication Mp4 [afternoon talk] today is the first day you make money Mp4 [afternoon talk] what are the three things you must figure out this year? 0510.mp4 [afternoon talk] life from a low starting point, what can we do to fight for the future Mp4 [afternoon talk] you should be a hunter instead of a prey Mp4 [afternoon talk] four bad habits that make people poorer and poorer (0403) M4a [afternoon talk] with the help of wanmen University, what are the bad habits of financial management Mp4 [afternoon talk] be yourself M4a [afternoon talk] business analysis, three key words teach you to grasp the opportunities of the times M4a [afternoon talk] business thinking analysis report: it's too far to go from 0 to 1. How can we go from 0 to 0.1 Mp3 [afternoon talk] how to be a beacon to guide others Mp4 [afternoon talk] how to use MBTI personality test to find your core competitiveness Mp4 [afternoon talk] how to use the information gap to make money faster M4a [afternoon talk] how to get through the most difficult times (0412) M4a [afternoon talk] the premise of overtaking in curve is to live my day efficiently Mp3 [afternoon talk] allocate assets in advance and enter a new bonus period M4a [afternoon talk] once the prosperous coal city, today it is half a ghost town: what should we learn in the declining history of Fushun Mp3 [afternoon talk] ordinary people learn to do business in three steps from 0 to 1 Mp4 [afternoon talk] Shenzhen City analysis Mp3 [afternoon talk] is it worth walking down the path of postgraduate entrance examination for ordinary people M4a [afternoon talk] intensive construction of cognitive system - let all the roads you walk become your wealth Mp4 [afternoon talk] realize the realization and make money standing (3.20) M4a [afternoon talk] how can ordinary people see and catch up with the wind when they realize that they are making money standing M4a [afternoon talk] gain dividends of the times through deliberate practice Mp4 [afternoon talk] meet the noble people in life Mp4 [afternoon talk] the operation is coming again! New citizens + 19 articles of Zhengzhou housing market, what wealth information must we not miss Mp3 [night talk] how low-key is Wuxi, an auspicious place of Lingshan, a century old industrial and commercial city Mp3 [big live broadcast] see through the essence of business at a glance (0421) Mp4 [live broadcast] when is it time to change jobs? (0420). Mp4 [big live broadcast] three necessary skills for commercial realization! (0423). Mp4 [live broadcast] how to establish a scientific investment system? (0422 upper) Mp4 [live broadcast] how to establish a scientific investment system? (0422 lower) Mp4 [live broadcast] how to use the examiner's thinking to dominate the exam Mall (0424) Mp4 [live broadcast] how to get a high-quality social circle? (0419). Mp4 [big live broadcast] cognitive realization, savage growth (0418) Mp4 [Lian Mai] cognitive system refined Q & A: by analogy M4a [Lian Mai's answer] 0520 evening talk M4a [Lian Mai's answer] 0527 writing + refined cognitive system M4a [Lian Mai Q & A] cognition + job search + networking training camp Mp3 [Lian Mai Q & A] cognition + job training camp m4a
