

在小游戏红包这个行业,我们记住,是 6 分养机,2分开包,2 分歇息,在实操之前,务必戒骄戒躁,保持空杯心态来学习,学理解之后再去操作,这样会少走弯路,认真学完之后一般 2-5 天即可见效,取得稳定单机天 20-100 的收益。



To do this project, the most important and important thing is to maintain the machine! "To play games and roll your bags, if you want to roll your bags continuously, you must first maintain the machine!"! In the industry of small game red envelopes, everyone should remember that it is a 6-point training machine, a 2-point package, and a 2-point rest. Before practicing, be sure to guard against arrogance and rashness, maintain an empty cup mentality to learn, and learn before operating. This will reduce detours. After carefully studying, it will generally take 2-5 days to achieve results, and obtain stable 20-100 per day per unit. The little game we play is just a carrier. In fact, the red envelope income we earn is the profit from advertising, so before starting the class, I will introduce you to the logos of several advertising alliances

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