#31度网赚班# 人人都能带货的主播课,千万级主播与你分享让直播间人气翻倍的秘密

#31 Degree Online Earning Class# An anchor class where everyone can bring goods, millions of anchors will share with you the secret to double the popularity of the live broadcast room

Course Introduction:

The course is divided into four sections

Audition system: Module highlights: Ten million anchors, Brother Xian, share her successful experience with you, wait, don't rush to start broadcasting! Design your own picture and sound, the secret to double the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Marketing System: Module Highlights: Nonsense is not equal to speaking, selling point is not equal to buying point, learn sales logic, let you match every sentence to the pain point, and only have an order if your words are effective. - Thinking about selling point from the user's point of view, the core steps of live-streaming selling (Introduce-Show-Explain the interactive promotion of order transfer and transfer money, play the small brief ring and the big market ring in the live broadcast-establish the seed warehouse of talk skills, from now on, say goodbye to the art of talking, the art of reciting words, and learn the art of keeping people, interactive living, Dealing, urging, and transferring.

Interactive system: Module highlights: Understand the interactive timing in the live broadcast, and let the same technique produce different effects. Learn the interactive skills in the live broadcast, and help you solve the embarrassing situation of self-questioning and self-answering in the live broadcast. The eight hundred-moving skills in the live broadcast room "news, benefits, sizes, products, Q&A, lucky bags, likes, hourly points, practical application of interactive skills.

Operation system: Module highlights: The operation anchors will take you to become an operation anchor quickly, control the rhythm of the live broadcast room, and sell goods easily! When is the best time to replay? The replay is actually very simple. The principle of a small number of times gives you two The recovery tool makes the recovery efficient and effective.

Course Catalog:

An anchor class that everyone can bring goods

An anchor class that everyone can bring goods - interactive system.mp4

An anchor class that everyone can bring goods - audiovisual system.mp4

An anchor class that everyone can bring goods - operation system.mp4

An anchor class that everyone can bring goods - sales system.mp4












