#开源项目#谷歌浏览器 Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 官方正式版发布 附下载地址 谷歌浏览器Google Chrome正式版迎来v92第三个维护版本发布,详细版本号为v92.0.4515.159,上一个正式版v92.0.4515.131发布于8月3日,时隔14天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级主要是更新了安全修复和稳定性改进及用户体验。Google Chrome浏览器,自主研发Chromium内核,全球最受欢迎的PC端网页浏览器,追求速度、隐私安全的网络浏览器。# Open Project# Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 official version released with download link The official version of Google Chrome ushered in the release of the third maintenance version of v92, the detailed version number is v92.0.4515.159, the previous one The official version v92.0.4515.131 was released on August 3, and Google released a new version of the Chrome browser after 14 days. This upgrade is mainly to update security fixes, stability improvements and user experience. Google Chrome browser, independently developed Chromium kernel, the world's most popular PC-side web browser, and a web browser that pursues speed, privacy and security.
New version changes Chrome v92.0.4515.159 official version (2021-08-17)
The official version of Google Chrome v92 is mainly updated. It adopts a new phishing detection technology, which increases the detection speed by dozens of times. Brings a new website isolation function, you can check the detailed permissions of a single web page. Optimize the browser speed, increase the loading speed, and improve the website detection speed.
The official version of Google Chrome v91 is mainly updated. Thanks to the new Sparkplug compiler and short builtins calling mechanism, the browser speed is increased by up to 23%. The new Sparkplug compiler is designed to execute and optimize the JavaScript code. Blank for maximum performance. In addition, Google is also using "built-in calls" to optimize the browser's process of using generated code to reduce jumps when calling functions. Support desktop applications for read-only access to the clipboard. This feature will allow users to use clipboard keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, to attach files to e-mails instead of just relying on drag and drop.
The main update of the official version of Google Chrome v90 introduces many user-centric functional improvements, supplemented by further improvements in security. By default, the links to the target website are all enabled with the SSL secure transmission protocol (HTTPS), and the technical support of the new AV1 open source video encoder greatly reduces the high-definition video usage. New window renaming function, you can rename multiple windows that have been opened, you can remember the configuration of the window, and it will automatically restore the state when it restarts after a crash. There are also WebXR deep API, URL protocol setting program enabled, effect overlay, and many improvements in security. For example, in order to prevent and mitigate NAT Slipstream 2.0 attacks, the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP server access through port 554 is blocked.
Security fixes and rewards googlechromereleases.blogspot.comChrome v92.0.4515.159, this update includes 9 security fixes.


Chrome v92.0.4515.159 正式版(2021-08-17)


谷歌浏览器v91正式版主要更新,得益于全新的Sparkplug编译器和short builtins调用机制,浏览器速度最高有23%的提,全新的Sparkplug编译器被设计用于执行和优化JavaScript代码之间的空白,以获得最大的性能。此外,Google还在使用“内置调用”来优化浏览器使用生成代码的过程,以减少调用函数时的跳转。支持桌面应用程序对剪贴板进行只读访问,该功能将允许用户使用剪贴板键盘快捷键,如Ctrl+C和Ctrl+V,将文件附加到电子邮件中,而不是仅仅依靠拖放方法。

谷歌浏览器v90正式版主要更新,引入了许多以用户为中心的功能改进,辅以安全性方面的进一步提升。默认向目标网站链接均启用SSL安全传输协议(HTTPS),全新AV1开源视频编码器的技术支持,高清视频占用大幅减小。新增窗口重命名功能,可重命名已打开的多个窗口,可记住窗口的配置,遇到崩溃重启会自动恢复状态。还有WebXR深度API、启用了URL协议设置程序、效果叠加层、以及安全性方面的诸多改进,比如为了防范缓解NAT Slipstream 2.0攻击,而屏蔽封锁了通过554端口的HTTP/HTTPS/FTP服务器访问。



Chrome v92.0.4515.159,此更新包括9个安全修复程序。

[$21000][1234764] High CVE-2021-30598: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Manfred Paul on 2021-07-30
[$21000][1234770] High CVE-2021-30599: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Manfred Paul on 2021-07-30
[$20000][1231134] High CVE-2021-30600: Use after free in Printing. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2021-07-20
[$20000][1234009] High CVE-2021-30601: Use after free in Extensions API. Reported by koocola(@alo_cook) and Nan Wang(@eternalsakura13) of 360 Alpha Lab on 2021-07-28
[$TBD][1230767] High CVE-2021-30602: Use after free in WebRTC. Reported by Marcin Towalski of Cisco Talos on 2021-07-19
[$NA][1233564] High CVE-2021-30603: Race in WebAudio. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero on 2021-07-27
[$TBD][1234829] High CVE-2021-30604: Use after free in ANGLE. Reported by Seong-Hwan Park (SeHwa) of SecunologyLab on 2021-07-30
[1240159] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives



Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 官方正式版 离线安装包(无更新组件)64位

Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 官方正式版 离线安装包(无更新组件)32位

Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)64位

Google Chrome v92.0.4515.159 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)32位

Google Chrome 官方正式版 离线安装包(含更新组件)新版及历史版本
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