微软 Edge 浏览器今日在微博宣布了 IE 退役 30 天倒计时,

并写道:#IE 退役,Edge 接力#。

"1995年8月,微软历史上最成功的操作系统 "
"之—:Windows 95,伴随着滚石乐队的 "

"《Start Me Up》横空出世。环境音乐大师布 "
"莱恩·伊诺(Brian Eno)创作的开机音乐也 "
"让大家至今依然耳熟能详。 "

"作为Windows 95的默认浏览器,IE飞速占领 "
"市场,三年后成功成为全球市场份额第—的 "
"浏览器,更在2003年走上巅峰,占据全球市 "
"场95%份额。那是IE浏览器的黄金时代。 "

"后来的故事大家也知道了:IE风波不断,饱 "
"经沧桑。如今比起IE本身,更火的可能是黑 "

"IE的meme。 "

"终于,被黑了这么多年,IE要正式跟大家说 "
"再见啦。IE 27年的旅程,从今以后,这条路 "
"由Edge替IE继续走下去。不久前Edge浏览 "
"器桌面市场份额终于突破10%-—-遥望IE曾 "
"经的辉煌,小E深感路漫漫其修远兮,吾将 "
"上下而求索。 "

The Microsoft Edge browser announced the 30-day countdown to the retirement of IE on Weibo today, and wrote: #IE retirement, Edge relay#.
"In August 1995, one of the most successful operating systems in Microsoft's history" "—: Windows 95, accompanied by the Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" turned out. Ambient music master "Brian Eno" (Brian Eno) Eno) created the boot music also "" so that everyone is still familiar with it. "
"As the default browser of Windows 95, IE quickly occupied the market" "Three years later, it successfully became the No. 1 in the global market share"
"The browser reached its peak in 2003, occupying a 95% share of the global market." "That was the golden age of IE browsers." "Everyone knows the story later: IE has been turbulent and full." "After vicissitudes . Now compared to IE itself, the most popular may be hacking ""IE's meme.""Finally, after being hacked for so many years, IE will officially say ""Goodbye. IE's 27-year journey, from now on, This road "" is continued by Edge instead of IE. Not long ago, the market share of Edge browser "" browser desktop finally exceeded 10% -- looking at the glory of IE "", Xiao E deeply felt that the road was long and long. I will search up and down. "
In May last year, Microsoft officially announced that IE 11 would end support on June 15, 2022, and said it would phase out Internet Explorer 11 from some Windows 10 versions and replace it with Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.
According to the statistics of market research firm Statcounter as of April 2022, the market share of Chromium-based Microsoft Edge on the desktop has surpassed that of Safari, ranking second only to Chrome, becoming the second largest browser on the desktop, and Chrome’s status is still Unshakable, dominant.
The question is, what is your preferred browser and what are your memories of IE?


去年 5 月份微软就官宣了 IE 11 将在 2022 年 6 月 15 日终止支持的消息,并表示会从某些 Windows 10 版本中淘汰 Internet Explorer 11,将其替换为基于 Chromium 的 Microsoft Edge。

根据市场研究机构 Statcounter 截止 2022 年 4 月的统计数据,基于 Chromium 的 Microsoft Edge 在桌面端的市场占有率超越了 Safari,排名仅次于 Chrome,成为了桌面端第二大浏览器,而 Chrome 的地位仍无法撼动,占据主导。


问题来了,你的首选浏览器是什么,对 IE 又有哪些回忆?
