互联网档案馆 (Internet Archive) 的一名员工 Jason Scott 发布推特称,Chrome 团队为 Chromium 项目提交的一个补丁可用于阻止用户使用浏览器的「查看网页源代码」功能。An Internet Archive employee, Jason Scott, tweeted that a patch submitted by the Chrome team for the Chromium project could be used to prevent users from using the browser’s "view webpage source code" feature.

He also mentioned that the owner of the patch is an employee of Microsoft and was previously responsible for the project to remove FTP support.

Judging from the description of the patch, its function is indeed as Jason Scott said-through the ?URLBlocklist rule to achieve the need to block ?view-source:* configuration items.

But soon developers pointed out that this patch actually has a context, that is, users have reported errors before, and they cannot configure as an administrator to prohibit "view webpage source code" on the Chrome of the organization (company/school, etc.) Function.

Therefore, the prohibition of "viewing webpage source code" here does not affect the use of ordinary users, and is mainly provided for administrators of organizations such as enterprises.

Some people think whether this feature is related to the case of "Missouri State Government believes that it is illegal to view the HTML source code of a web page." According to the statement of the person in charge of the patch, the policy in the patch can only be set on the managed machine and will not affect the use of ordinary users.

他还提到,该补丁的 Owner 是微软的员工,此前还负责了移除 FTP 支持的项目。

从补丁的描述来看,其功能确实如 Jason Scott 所说——通过 URLBlocklist 规则以实现屏蔽 view-source:* 配置项的需求。

但很快就有开发者指出,这个补丁其实存在一个上下文,那就是此前有用户反馈过错误,他们无法以管理员身份在组织(公司/学校等)的 Chrome 上配置禁止「查看网页源代码」的功能。


有人联想到此功能是否与“密苏里州政府认为查看网页 HTML 源代码违法”这个案件有关。根据该补丁负责人的声明,补丁中的策略只能在托管的机器上进行设置,并不会影响普通用户的使用。
