Brave 是基于 Chromium 的一款免费开源网络浏览器,主打隐私保护,其默认设置就会自动阻止在线广告和网站跟踪。Brave Software(Brave 浏览器所属公司)于 2015 年由 Brendan Eich 和 Brian Bondy 联合创立,其中前者是 JavaScript 的创造者,同时也是 Mozilla 联合创始人。

Brave 1.39 发布,更新内容如下:

  • 增加了对 Solana 账户创建的支持
  • 为 Brave Wallet 的 API 帮助请求添加了 JSONSanitizer
  • 为 Brave News 增加了允许用户搜索网站 RSS 源的功能
  • 增加了对 blob 分区的支持
  • 为 Sparkle 更新过程增加了最小 macOS 版本要求
  • [安全] 在第三方 iframes 中完全阻止了 "window.ethereum"
  • [安全] 修正了在 Brave Wallet 中显示的不正确的起源,当消费批准正在等待。
  • 更新了 Windows Omaha 安装程序版本至 v1.3.36.113
  • 更新了默认的 IPFS 配置值
  • 通过优化未使用的勒索规则,减少了广告屏蔽过滤器的内存使用
  • 从 URL 中删除了已知的 Dialog Insight 用户跟踪参数
  • 修正了在使用 Google Meet 时打开 Brave Shields 时发生的崩溃
  • 修正了由 OpenSSL 3.0 引起的 webpack 构建中的中断
  • 修正了在 Windows 上安装没有管理员权限的浏览器时,启动时打开两个窗口的问题
  • 将 Chromium 升级到 102.0.5005.61


Brave is a free and open-source web browser based on Chromium, with a focus on privacy protection, and its default settings automatically block online advertising and website tracking. Brave Software (the company behind the Brave browser) was co-founded in 2015 by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, and Brian Bondy, the former co-founder of Mozilla.

Brave 1.39 is released with the following updates:

Added support for Solana account creation
Added JSONSanitizer to Brave Wallet's API help requests
Added functionality to Brave News that allows users to search a website's RSS feed
Added support for blob partitions
Added minimum macOS version requirements for Sparkle update process
[Security] Completely blocked "window.ethereum" in 3rd party iframes
[Security] Fixed incorrect origin showing in Brave Wallet when consumption approval is pending.
Updated Windows Omaha installer version to v1.3.36.113
Updated default IPFS configuration values
Reduced memory usage of ad blocking filters by optimizing unused ransom rules
Removed known Dialog Insight user tracking parameters from URLs
Fixed a crash when opening Brave Shields while using Google Meet
Fixed a break in webpack build caused by OpenSSL 3.0
Fixed an issue where two windows would open on startup when installing a browser without administrator privileges on Windows
Upgrade Chromium to 102.0.5005.61

More details can be viewed:
