据@英伟达GeForce 官微消息,在中国广受欢迎的@剪映 专业版已增加了对NVIDIA视频编解码支持。

目前,在NVENC和NVDEC 在NVIDIA GPU上运行,可以带来高达4.3倍的视频制作速度提升。








According to @NVIDIAGeForce's official Wechat news, the popular in China @Jianying Professional Edition has added support for NVIDIA video codecs.

Currently, running NVENC and NVDEC on NVIDIA GPUs can deliver up to 4.3x faster video production.

Douyin Jianying has supported NVIDIA video codec: the production speed of video has increased by 4.3 times

According to the data, Cianying is currently the official video editing and editing application of Douyin, with comprehensive editing functions, support for variable speed, various filter effects, and rich music library resources, etc. clipping effect.

The original film-cutting paper developed a mobile version, and then gradually spread to the Pad side, Mac computers, Windows computers, covering almost all mainstream platforms.


Interestingly, the team of Jianying is not actually built by the original Douyin internal team, but by the original face cute team.

Face Moe is an app that became popular on the Internet in 2013 and 2014. In this app, users can easily and quickly generate a cartoon avatar picture of their own through a large number of hairstyles, facial features and background colors, etc. It became popular, and many netizens used similar avatars at that time.

Douyin Jianying has supported NVIDIA video codec: the production speed of video has increased by 4.3 times
