#开源项目# Brave Browser 1.34 发布

#Open Source Project# Brave Browser 1.34 Released Brave is a free and open source web browser based on Chromium. It focuses on privacy protection, and its default settings will automatically block online advertising and website tracking. Brave Software (the company behind the Brave browser) was co-founded in 2015 by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, and Brian Bondy, the former co-founder of Mozilla.
Brave 1.34 released with the following updates: Added ability to make audio icons on tabs unclickable by using brave://flags/#tab-audio-icon-interactive (#19979)
Added indication of selected networks (#19651)
Updated error message text when Trezor is not connected (#19351)
Removed text labels for icons on privacy windows Fixed crash when disabling Brave Shields in some cases (#19958)
Fixed not being able to download torrents with WebTorrent (#19818)
Fixed a bug when importing Ledger accounts (#19451)
Fixed Trezor popup incorrectly reopening in some cases (#19858)
Fixed not showing the plus icon for RPC URLs when editing a network (#19717)
Fixed not being able to delete previously entered RPC URLs (#19782)
Fixed tooltip for unsupported networks on brave://wallet being kept on screen (#19400)
Fixed IPNS address pathname not appearing in address bar (#18888)
Upgrade Chromium to 97.0.4692.71 (#20269) (Changelog for 97.0.4692.71)
More details can be viewed: https://brave.com/latest/

Brave 是基于 Chromium 的一款免费开源网络浏览器,主打隐私保护,其默认设置就会自动阻止在线广告和网站跟踪。Brave Software(Brave 浏览器所属公司)于 2015 年由 Brendan Eich 和 Brian Bondy 联合创立,其中前者是 JavaScript 的创造者,同时也是 Mozilla 联合创始人。

Brave 1.34 发布,更新内容如下:

增加了通过使用 brave://flags/#tab-audio-icon-interactive 使标签页上的音频图标不可点击的功能 (#19979)
增加了对选定网络的指示 (#19651)
更新了 Trezor 未连接时的错误消息文本 (#19351)
修正了在某些情况下禁用 Brave Shields 时的崩溃 (#19958)
修正了无法用 WebTorrent 下载 torrents 的问题 (#19818)
修正了导入 Ledger 账户时的错误 (#19451)
修正了 Trezor 弹出窗口在某些情况下不正确地重新打开 (#19858)
修正了编辑网络时不显示 RPC URLs 的加号图标的问题 (#19717)
修正了无法删除以前输入的 RPC URL 的问题 (#19782)
修正了 brave://wallet 上不支持的网络的工具提示被保留在屏幕上的问题 (#19400)
修正了 IPNS 地址的路径名称没有出现在地址栏中的问题 (#18888)
将 Chromium 升级到 97.0.4692.71 (#20269) (Changelog for 97.0.4692.71)


