When Microsoft announced Windows 11 this year, it put forward new requirements for the equipment to install the new system, including: requiring TPM 2.0 secure processor, supporting Secure Boot, using newer models of CPU, and providing at least 64 GB of hard disk space. Although these requirements have prevented many people from upgrading their systems to Window 11, Microsoft does not plan to relax restrictions.

However, these constraints are not a problem for developers. The latest Windows ISO image creation tool, Universal MediaCreationTool, launched by the developer AveYo, provides functions to bypass these constraints.

This tool consists of two parts, one is the "MediaCreationTool.bat" script used to create the Windows ISO image, and there is also a script called "Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd", which helps the device to bypass the hardware compatibility check.

According to the description, the tool will skip the TPM view when the media is launched and dynamically updated through the winpeshl.ini file. When executed, the script creates the "AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU" value under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup" in the registry and sets it to 1 or true. It also deleted the "appraiserres.dll" file.

It is worth mentioning that this script can also be used in virtual machines. According to Bleepingcomputer’s trial experience, before using this script, they tested the upgrade of the device in the virtual machine’s Windows 11 build 22449 to the latest preview version, and the upgrade failed because the device program detected that the device did not support Secure Boot and TPM 2.0, and Disk space is too small.

But after running the script, they installed the latest preview version of Windows 11 preview build 22463 in the VirtualBox virtual machine very smoothly.

Please note that this is an unsupported Windows 11 device method and may cause performance issues or other errors when using the operating system. In addition, Microsoft should not provide security updates for unsupported devices, so Windows 11 installed with this method may have security risks. If the test is expected, it is recommended to use it only in test equipment, not in a production environment.


微软今年宣布 Windows 11 的时分对装置新系统的设备提出了新要求,包括:要求 TPM 2.0 安全处理器、支撑 Secure Boot、运用较新型号的 CPU、供给至少 64 GB 硬盘空间等。虽然这些要求阻挠了不少人将系统升级到 Window 11,但微软并不计划放宽约束。

但是这些约束关于开发者来说并非难题,开发者 AveYo 最新推出的 Windows ISO 镜像创立工具 Universal MediaCreationTool 供给了绕过这些约束的功用。

此工具包含两个部分,一是用于创立 Windows ISO 镜像的"MediaCreationTool.bat"脚本,此外还有一个名为"Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd"的脚本,该脚本可协助设备绕过硬件兼容性查看。

依据描绘,该工具将经过 winpeshl.ini 文件在媒体发动和动态更新时跳过 TPM 查看。当执行时,该脚本在注册表的“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup”下创立“AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU”值并将其设置为 1 或 true。它还删除了“appraiserres.dll”文件。

值得一提的是,此脚本还支撑在虚拟机中运用。依据 Bleepingcomputer 的试用体会,他们在运用此脚本之前,测验将装置在虚拟机的 Windows 11 build 22449 升级到最新预览版本时,提示升级失利,因为装置程序检测到设备不支撑 Secure Boot 和 TPM 2.0,并且磁盘空间太小。

不过在运行脚本后,他们非常顺畅地在 VirtualBox 虚拟机中装置了最新的预览版 Windows 11 preview build 22463。

请注意,这是一种不受支撑的 Windows 11 装置办法,或许会导致运用操作系统时出现性能问题或其他错误。此外,微软应该不会为不受支撑的设备供给安全更新,因此运用此办法装置的 Windows 11 或许存在安全隐患。如果期望测验,建议只在测试设备中运用,不要用于生产环境。
