






Recently, the national contract model text library developed and constructed by the State Administration for Market Regulation was officially launched. The text database contains a large number of contract model texts formulated and released by the State Administration of Market Supervision and provincial market supervision departments, covering the fields of online transactions, real estate sales, agricultural production, transportation, elderly care services, education and training, etc. unified channel.

Contracts are the basis of market transactions, and all transactions in the market need to be expressed through contracts. A fair and reasonable contract with clear terms can not only effectively protect the rights and interests of all parties to the contract and avoid disputes, but also help increase market activity and ensure the normal operation of the economic order. However, in economic life, due to the fact that some parties are unfamiliar with legal provisions and their market positions are unequal, it is often difficult for contracts to be truly fair. Contract fraud, "overlord clauses", malicious breach of contract and other acts not only damage the legitimate rights and interests of the public, but also damage the market economic order. Over the years, market supervision departments have actively implemented relevant laws and regulations, and individually or jointly with relevant industry authorities, have formulated a large number of contract model texts with equal rights and obligations, complete content, complete clauses, and transaction habits, for the public to refer to.

The conclusion of a contract with reference to the model text of the contract is not only conducive to protecting the rights and interests of all parties to the contract and avoiding contract disputes, but also helping to standardize contract performance and improve transaction security, thereby promoting market activity and maintaining market economic order. In order to make it easier for the public to query and use these texts, the State Administration for Market Regulation has started to develop and build a national contract model text database since last year. At present, the online text library has included nearly 500 types of contract demonstration texts. In response to the problems that may be encountered in the use of each type of demonstration text, the text library also has special risk reminders to further help parties reduce transaction risks. From now on, the public can log on to the homepage of the State Administration for Market Regulation's website to enter the national contract model text database, and query and download the required contract model texts for free. In the next step, the State Administration for Market Regulation will continue to enrich and update the content of the text database to provide more high-quality and convenient services for the general public.

The State Administration for Market Regulation reminds that the terms of the contract model text are model provisions for the distribution of rights and obligations, division of responsibilities, and dispute resolution among the parties in the transaction. On the basis of full consultation, supplement and modify the terms of the model text according to the actual situation to avoid possible disputes.

Address of contract sample text library: https://cont.12315.cn/
