














1. 山东即墨:养殖海参整箱投放敌敌畏;

2. 汉堡王:用过期面包做汉堡,随意篡改保质期;

3. 河北高阳:旧袜子旧内裤造毛巾;

4. 宝骏汽车:变速箱频繁故障投诉无门;

5. 广州万科尚城、杭州春秋华庭:精装房变水帘洞,被强制收房;

6. 可诺丹婷美容院:偷听客户讲话,配合美容师演戏推销办卡;

7. 趣头条:虚假、违法违规广告;

8. 嗨学网:交钱容易退钱难;

9. 国美易卡、遥控器、最强手电、全能遥控器、91极速购、天天回收、闪到、萝卜商城、紫金普惠等50多款手机APP:收集上传用户隐私,甚至窃取短信验证码。


The 2020 CCTV 315 Gala, which was previously postponed to July 16 due to the epidemic, was finally broadcast. The "315" Gala upholds the mission of serving as a watcher in the consumer field and exposed black materials from all walks of life. Let's take a look at this year's list. Which companies are on the list!

2020 CCTV 315 Gala

Live broadcast time: 20:00 on July 16

Live platform: Tencent, Youku, iQiyi, CCTV2

Live entry: see the end of the article




Exposure List Summary Full Version

1. Jimo, Shandong: FCL of cultured sea cucumbers was put into dichlorvos;

2. Burger King: use expired buns to make burgers, tamper with the expiration date at will;

3. Gaoyang, Hebei: making towels from old socks and underwear;

4. Baojun Automobile: There is no way to complain about frequent failures of the gearbox;

5. Guangzhou Vanke Shangcheng and Hangzhou Spring and Autumn Garden: the hardcover room was changed into a water curtain hole, and the room was forcibly closed;

6. Kenuodanting Beauty Salon: Eavesdropping on customer speeches, cooperating with beauticians to act and sell cards;

7. Qutoutiao: false, illegal advertisements;

8. Hixue.com: Easy to pay but hard to refund;

9. More than 50 mobile APPs such as Gome Easy Card, Remote Control, Strongest Flashlight, Almighty Remote Control, 91 Quick Purchase, Tiantian Recycling, Flash, Radish Mall, Zijin Puhui, etc.: collect and upload user privacy, and even steal SMS verification codes .

At present, Jimo, Shandong has organized joint law enforcement and will severely punish those involved in the illegal use of dichlorvos; Burger King responded that the relevant restaurants were closed for rectification; Qutoutiao established a special working group to conduct a thorough investigation...
