
Usually everyone is used to using mosaics to edit sensitive information to prevent leakage. But recently a security researcher said in his personal blog that he has successfully cracked the mosaic algorithm and can restore the text information in it.

The algorithm that restores the mosaic comes from Dan Petro, who is the lead researcher at the security firm Bishop Fox, and according to his blog post, Mosaic One is a very bad, insecure method that leaks sensitive data. He recommends never using mosaics to obscure textual information.

Mosaic is cracked! The Great God has developed a restoration algorithm

On his personal blog, he released a tool called "Unredacter". And it demonstrates bit by bit how the tool restores the mosaicked text.

Mosaic is cracked! The Great God has developed a restoration algorithm

In the example, even a thick mosaic of the original text does not help. And its operation is not complicated, and it can be put into use with a simple installation and startup.

Mosaic is cracked! The Great God has developed a restoration algorithm

There are not no tools for cracking mosaics, and there is a similar tool Depix before. But its visual effect is not very good, there are various distortions in the shape of the text, and the user must combine the context to see the real meaning of the text.

Mosaic is cracked! The Great God has developed a restoration algorithm

With the blessing of Unredacter, through the matching algorithm to find the text closest to the original text, there is no such "text distortion" problem.

In addition, Dan also said that as long as it is a similar smeared mosaic, no matter what tool is used, it can be cracked with the help of Uredacter, which shows that the software does have a certain degree of versatility.

If you're really afraid of leaks, he also gave the best answer for occlusion, which is to use a black bar that covers the entire text. No pixelation, no blurring, nothing that might leak your information.

还原马赛克的算法来自于Dan Petro,他是安全公司Bishop Fox的首席研究员,而根据他的博文,马赛克一是一种非常不好、不安全,而且会泄露敏感数据的方法。他建议永远不要使用马赛克去遮挡文字信息。










