结论: 拼多多任何砍价夺宝活动都是骗人的,即使不是骗人的 那就需要您老去找七八万个人来砍价,到时候还是砍不下来 比如说砍到小数点后七八位 然后去打客服电话,夕多多会迫于舆论压力,再不给你就说不过去了,从而砍价成功,如果说这样也算是不骗人的话 ,那你就没事去砍吧。 本文结束 以下新闻原文


Tech Planet March 18 news, at noon on the 18th, some netizens sent a message that on March 17, a Douyu anchor named Super Xiaojie participated in the free mobile phone activity of Pinduoduo, but with the help of tens of thousands of users in the live broadcast room, it still failed to cut it. The netizen said that even cut to six decimal places, although it was known to be a scam, but it was the first time to cut to six decimal places.

Pinduoduo bargaining to 6 decimal places still failed Customer service directly hung up the inquiry phone

Image source: Network

And the topic of the live broadcast room also appeared on the hot search of the platform, and the anchor called pinduoduo's manual customer service after cutting the mobile phone for two hours, but under the witness of tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, the customer service directly hung up the anchor's phone (I don't know if it was a drop or other reason).

Pinduoduo bargaining to 6 decimal places still failed Customer service directly hung up the inquiry phone

As of press time, Pinduoduo did not formally respond to this matter, and the anchor's account suddenly had a coupon, showing that you can get the mobile phone by paying 0.01 yuan, but there is no relevant reply for the mobile phone that failed to successfully cut off the mobile phone on the 17th.

拼多多砍价到小数点后6位仍失败 客服直接挂断问询电话




拼多多砍价到小数点后6位仍失败 客服直接挂断问询电话

