12 月 13 日消息,据大量网友发现,今天凌晨打开京东和淘宝 、闲鱼、华为商城等 App 首页屏幕都变成了黑白色,显示缅怀悼念。因为今天 12 月 13 日是国家公祭日。

据人民日报报道,1937 年的今天,侵华日军攻占南京,30 多万中国军民惨遭杀戮。山河破碎,生灵涂炭。昭昭前事,惕惕后人!84 年了,这是我们不能忘记的 1213。今天,第 8 个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日,勿忘历史,吾辈自强!According to news on December 13, according to a large number of netizens, the home screens of apps such as JD.com, Taobao, Xianyu, and Huawei Mall turned black and white when they opened early this morning, showing the memory of mourning. Because today, December 13th is the National Memorial Day.
According to the People’s Daily report, on this day in 1937, the Japanese invaders captured Nanjing, and more than 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed. The mountains and rivers are broken, and the lives are overwhelmed. Make things clear, be wary of future generations! For 84 years, this is 1213 that we cannot forget. Today, the 8th National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, don’t forget the history, and we will strengthen ourselves!
Never forget 19371213 despite the prolonged years. It is the memory of the suffering of an ancient city and the sad history of the Chinese nation. Pray for peace, don't forget the national humiliation, work hard and vigilant. "Every time the light advances, the darkness retreats". Only by strengthening the revival of the ambition and keeping the enterprising spirit will there be a people who stand up and a strong China.
[Today is the 8th National Memorial Day for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, and the homepages of Taobao, JD.com, Huawei Mall, etc. have turned black and white] The homepage of the IT Home App has become black and white, in memory of the compatriots who died in the Nanjing Massacre.

任凭岁月漫漶,永不忘 19371213。那是一座古城的苦难记忆,也是中华民族的伤心历史。祈愿和平,勿忘国耻,蹈厉奋发,朝乾夕惕。“光明每前进一分,黑暗便后退一分”,砥砺复兴志,永葆进取心,才有站起来的人民、强起来的中国。

[今天是第八个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日,淘宝、京东、华为商城等 App 首页变黑白色]

IT之家 App 首页已变成黑白色,缅怀悼念南京大屠杀死难者同胞。

