
After a gap of nearly 20 years, "The Matrix 4" recently released its first trailer, including the return of director Wachowski and starring Keanu Levis, which evoked many memories of fans.

Previous statistics have shown that in the history of BT torrents, "The Matrix" is the most pirated and downloaded film. According to TF's report, in fact, the oldest torrent of BT to date is also related to The Matrix, that is, "The Fanimatrix".

18 years: the oldest BT seeds are still alive! It's related to The Matrix

"The Fanimatrix" and the BitTorrent agreement was born in the same year (2003), which is a "Matrix" live-action short film produced by New Zealand fans, costing only 800 US dollars, shooting in 9 days, and the creator said that the biggest expense was a leather jacket...

In order to spread it at a low cost (FTP costs thousands of dollars), the photographer chose fledgling BT seeds, that is, as long as someone makes them, the resources can be distributed forever. The choice proved so wise that 70,000 people downloaded copies of the film in the first week. Eighteen years later, The Fanimatrix still has dozens of seeders.

The creators of The Fanimatrix hope to get together for a commemorative celebration on the film's 20th anniversary.

此前有统计显示,在BT种子史中,《黑客帝国》是盗版下载量最大的影片。而按照TF的报道,实际上,迄今最古老的BT种子同样和《黑客帝国》有关,即《The Fanimatrix》。


《The Fanimatrix》和BitTorrent协议诞生于同一年(2003年),这是一部新西兰粉丝摄制的《黑客帝国》题材真人短片,成本仅800美元,9天拍摄完成,主创表示最大的花销是皮夹克……

为了低成本地传播(FTP需要数千美元),拍摄者选择了初出茅庐的BT种子,也就是只要有人做种,那么资源就可以一直分发下去。事实证明这样的选择非常明智,第一周就有7万人下载了影片拷贝。18年过去了,《The Fanimatrix》仍旧有几十个做种者。

《The Fanimatrix》创作者们希望,在影片20周年的时候能够聚在一起办一次纪念庆祝活动。
