AMD前两天发布了锐龙7 5800X3D处理器,增加了额外的64MB 3D V-Cache缓存,使得游戏性能提升多达36%,号称要夺回最强游戏CPU之位,然而Intel这边也有一颗特挑的鸡血处理器——酷睿i9-12900KS,现在性能测试出来了,单核、多核都碾压锐龙9 5950X。

酷睿i9-12900KS在今年初的CES展会上宣布,现在上市日期也差不多定了,跟锐龙7 5800X3D同一天,也就是4月20日,Intel摆明了是要跟AMD正面刚,而且完全不怵。



其他方面,酷睿i9-12900KS依然是8大8小16核心24线程,14MB二级缓存,30MB三级缓存,集成核显UHD 770,32单元。

至于这款处理器的性能,之前有过GK5测试的偷跑,现在Tomshardware网站又公布CINBEBCNH R23的测试结果,包括单核及多核性能,具体如下:


单核方面,酷睿i9-12900KS达到2162分,比酷睿i9-12900K的2027分领先5%左右,不过比锐龙9 5950X的1668分就优势明显了,性能高出大约30%,差距很大。

多核测试,酷睿i9-12900KS虽然是16核24线程,但29164的总分依然笑傲群雄,锐龙9 5950X虽然是16核32线程,依然被酷睿i9-12900KS领先9%左右。

AMD released the Ryzen™ 7 5800X3D processor two days ago, adding an additional 64MB 3D V-Cache cache, making the game performance increase by up to 36%, claiming to regain the position of the strongest game CPU, but Intel also has a special chicken blood processor - Core i9-12900KS, and now the performance test is out, single-core, multi-core are crushing Ryzen 9 5950X.

The Core i9-12900KS announced at the CES show earlier this year that the listing date is almost set, and on the same day as the Ryzen 7 5800X3D, that is, on April 20, Intel made it clear that it was going to be head-on with AMD, and it was completely intimidating.

The Core i9-12900KS can accelerate at a maximum speed of 5.5GHz, which is the height that a single large core can reach, which is 300MHz higher than the i9-12900K.

At the same time, the large-core full-core acceleration frequency is 5.2GHz, which is 400MHz higher than the i9-12900K.

In other respects, the Core i9-12900KS is still 8 large, 8 small, 16 cores, 24 threads, 14MB L2 cache, 30MB L3 cache, integrated core HDD 770, 32 units.

As for the performance of this processor, there have been GK5 test sneak runs before, and now the Tomshardware website has announced the test results of CINBEBCNH R23, including single-core and multi-core performance, as follows:

In terms of single-core, the Core i9-12900KS reached 2162 points, about 5% ahead of the Core i9-12900K's 2027 points, but the 1668 points of the Ryzen™ 9 5950X are obviously superior, and the performance is about 30%, which is a big gap.

Multi-core test, although the Core i9-12900KS is 16 cores and 24 threads, the total score of 29164 is still proud, and the Ryzen 9 5950X is still 16 cores and 32 threads, and is still led by about 9% by the Core i9-12900KS.

In general, before the 13th generation Core and Zen4 processors did not come, AMD and Intel will also have a decisive battle on the special CPU, Ryzen 7 5800X3D mainly attack game performance, Core i9-12900KS is more all-round, at present, the performance advantage is obvious, of course, the price will be higher.

16-core 5.5GHz! Intel Chicken Blood Edition Core i9-12900KS Performance Test: Single-core, multi-core crushing Ryzen 9

总的来说,在13代酷睿及Zen4处理器没来之前,AMD及Intel还会在特挑CPU上来一次决战,锐龙7 5800X3D主攻游戏性能,酷睿i9-12900KS就更全能了,目前来看性能优势明显,当然价格也会高一些。

