A million trillion years, or 1 quintillion years (1,000,000,000,000,000,000 years), is an incredibly vast time scale that extends far beyond the current understanding of the universe's lifecycle. At such an enormous scale, we venture into the realm of deep time and theoretical cosmology. Here's what might happen over this time frame, based on current scientific theories:

一百万万亿年,或 1 千万亿年(1,000,000,000,000,000,000 年)100 万兆年、つまり 1 京年 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000 年) 是一个极其巨大的时间尺度,远远超出了目前对宇宙生命周期的理解。 在如此巨大的规模上,我们冒险进入了深层时间和理论宇宙学的领域。 根据当前的科学理论,在这段时间内可能会发生以下情况:

在宇宙环境中形象化“百万万亿年”概念的图像已经生成。 它描绘了一个极其古老的宇宙,其中有远古星系的遗迹和微弱发光的星云等元素,与浩瀚的太空形成鲜明对比。 该作品捕捉到了如此巨大的时间跨度的深邃浩瀚和永恒,传达了宇宙向熵的逐渐过渡和时间不可避免的前进。

The image visualizing the concept of a 'million trillion years' in a cosmic setting has been generated. It portrays a universe at an extremely advanced age, with elements like the remnants of ancient galaxies and faintly glowing nebulae, set against the vastness of space. The composition captures the profound vastness and timelessness of such an immense span of time, conveying the universe's gradual transition towards entropy and the inevitable march of time.


黑洞时代:早期阶段,如恒星时代(以恒星为主)和简并纪元(以白矮星、中子星和黑洞为主),早已过去。 在黑洞时代,可能持续约10^40到10^100年,宇宙将由各种大小的黑洞主导。

霍金辐射和黑洞蒸发:在这些巨大的时间尺度上,即使是最大的超大质量黑洞最终也会通过霍金辐射蒸发。 这个过程极其缓慢,但在这样的时间尺度上是不可避免的。 当黑洞蒸发时,它们以辐射和亚原子粒子的形式释放质量。

黑暗时代:随着最后一个黑洞的蒸发,宇宙将进入黑暗时代。 这一时期的特点是广阔、寒冷和黑暗的宇宙,没有恒星或星系等重要结构。 剩余的物质会因为宇宙的不断膨胀而被极度稀释。

可能的质子衰变:如果质子不稳定(这一假设尚未得到证实),它们可能会在 10^36 年或更长时间的时间尺度内衰变。 可以想象,到了五万亿年,所有重子物质(由质子和中子组成的物质)都会衰变成更轻的粒子,使宇宙只充满轻子和光子。

宇宙的持续膨胀:假设目前对暗能量的理解成立,宇宙将继续膨胀,变得更加稀疏和寒冷。 这种膨胀可能会导致宇宙达到接近绝对零温度的状态,而剩余的能量或活动很少。

新物理学和未知事物:在如此长的时间尺度上,新的物理现象或宇宙的未知方面变得相关的潜力是巨大的。 宇宙的行为可能会受到目前尚不了解的因素或物理定律的影响。

重要的是要记住,这些想法是基于将当前的科学理论推断到遥远的未来,并涉及许多假设和不确定性。 宇宙的实际未来可能会带来惊喜,挑战我们目前对物理学和宇宙学的理解。

Black Hole Era: Earlier stages, like the Stelliferous Era (dominated by stars) and the Degenerate Era (dominated by white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes), would have long passed. In the Black Hole Era, which might last from about 10^40 to 10^100 years, the universe would be dominated by black holes of various sizes.

Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Evaporation: Over these immense timescales, even the largest supermassive black holes would eventually evaporate through Hawking radiation. This process is extremely slow but inevitable on such time scales. As black holes evaporate, they release their mass in the form of radiation and subatomic particles.

Dark Era: Following the evaporation of the last black hole, the universe would enter the Dark Era. This period would be characterized by a vast, cold, and dark universe with no significant structures like stars or galaxies. The remaining matter would be extremely diluted due to the continuous expansion of the universe.

Possible Proton Decay: If protons are unstable (a hypothesis not yet confirmed), they might decay over time scales of 10^36 years or longer. By a quintillion years, it's conceivable that all baryonic matter (matter composed of protons and neutrons) would have decayed into lighter particles, leaving the universe filled with only leptons and photons.

Continued Expansion of the Universe: Assuming the current understanding of dark energy holds, the universe would continue to expand, becoming ever more sparse and cold. This expansion could lead to a scenario where the universe reaches a state of near absolute zero temperature, with very little energy or activity remaining.

New Physics and Unknowns: On such long time scales, the potential for new physical phenomena or as-yet-unknown aspects of the universe to become relevant is significant. The behavior of the universe might be influenced by factors or laws of physics that are not currently understood.

It's important to keep in mind that these ideas are based on extrapolating current scientific theories far into the future and involve many assumptions and uncertainties. The actual future of the universe might hold surprises that challenge our current understanding of physics and cosmology.
